Chapter 25: Glimmer

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At the last second, the girl was tackled to the ground.

"Damn." I muttered as my arrow flew right through where she had been standing just moments before. "Missed."

"Then shoot again." Cato urged.

Grumbling under my breath, I took another arrow and nocked it, aiming at the dark-haired girl again. She was on the ground; another guy had pushed her out of the way. There were two others beside them, from what I could see, a boy and a girl. The boy was holding something, a small object.

"You know, these infrared contacts can only do so much, so if you could please not hover over me, Marvel, that would be much appreciated." I said calmly. The feeling of being watched vanished. I squinted, aiming.


The arrow zipped off into the night. I held my breath, watching its trail.

"Damn it!" I yelled, standing up out of anger. UGH! I threw the silver bow to the ground, rummaging through my bag.

"Stop aiming for her." Clove said, lightly swatting my arm. "You missed her twice."

"No, she is definitely my target now. I can't see with these things." I complained, digging a small, rectangular container out of my bag. I reached up to my eye, poking out the contacts. The red and orange blobs vanished, leaving my vision dark; I could just barely make out the outlines of Marvel, Cato, and Clove.

"If you couldn't hit her then, how are you expecting to hit her now?" Cato chided. I sent him a glare, though I couldn't make out his reaction.

I flicked away the used contacts, sending them flying into the desert sand. I opened the small container. "Water," I mumbled.

"Why?" Marvel asked, fishing through his bag,

"Because I don't want to get an eye infection." I snapped. Marvel handed me a canteen of water. Sparingly, I let a little water drip onto my right index finger. I passed the canteen back. "Here." I picked the contacts up with my index finger, poking each one into my eye. I blinked and looked around.

Instead of the usual blobs of red from the infrared contacts, everything around me a tinted green. I looked towards the little camp that the... others had set up, smirking as I could see my targets clearly.

"Why don't we get closer." I smirked. "I want to see their faces when we slaughter everyone."

"Alright!" Cato cheered, slinging his arm over my shoulders. I grinned and laughed, setting my sights on the dark-haired girl. I could see her getting up, glaring in our direction; I doubted she could see us very clearly.

"Let's go."

==== ====

I let out a laugh of triumph as my arrow pierced the boy's leg. He fell to the ground, howling in pain. I grinned a sadistic grin, taking my time as I walked up to him. He looked up at me through tears of pain, wiping away the snot dribbling down his chin. His face was contorted with pain, but I let out a giggle.

"Please," the boy gasped, clawing at the ground; he couldn't have been more than fifteen. "Please, help me..."

"Sure," I smiled wickedly, my voice sickly sweet. I walked up to him, yanking my arrow out of his leg.

The boy gasped, letting out a gasp, barely able to voice his pain. His feeble voice begged for help. I stood up, walking away.

"Why'd you let him live?" Marvel asked, coming up to me; I noticed that small parts of his jacket were stained with a dark, crimson liquid.

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