Chapter 11: Hermione Granger

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I was the first one to act, yelling, "Confringo!" The curse sent a blast of blue light streaking towards the first... thing. Jace had called it a Behemoth demon. I called it a hazard. Ginny probably called it Ron's refection.

My curse sent the others into action. I watched as Alec readied his bow and Isabelle unwound her whip. Behind me, Harry, Ginny, and Ron waited, looking expectantly at the Shadowhunters. Clary pulled out her Seraph blade, but Jace ran over to her.

"Seriously?" He said, exasperated as he gave her another weapon. "Did you forget everything we taught you?"

"It's kinda hard to concentrate when Magnus and Alec are making out in the back of the room." Clary said, disgruntled.

"I heard that!" Alec shouted at them, firing into the sludge of an oncoming demon.

"Why can't you guys use your light up sword thingies?" Harry asked, firing a Reductor curse at a demon behind the arguing couple.

"The demon's slime renders the Seraph blades useless, and even then, they're hard to kill. Their bodies are capable of healing their wounds. The only way to properly kill them is to attack relentlessly until it can't heal itself anymore." Clary answered.

Then she shot a look at Jace. "See? I was paying attention."

"Do you guys know any curses to kill these things?" Isabelle asked, backing up towards our group. Alec followed suite.

I bit my lip slightly, looking at the others. Even though it was forbidden, I think Ron fired the curse once, when we, Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle, were battling in the Room of Requirement. Of course, it didn't hit anyone, or we would have been in a big mess. I don't think Harry used it at all that day; Neither did I. Ginny still didn't know her brother used the worst of the Unforgivable Curses. I didn't say anything.

"Yes, we know a spell." Harry said slowly, looking at us for encouragement. Ron and Ginny looked away. I nodded, telling him to keep going. "But it's an Unforgivable Curse. We haven't used it before. It's forbidden."

"Well? Kill the demon already!" Jace called, slashing across a Behemoth's side with a different sword. 

Ginny shot a glance at us, silently asking, Should we?  I nodded, readying my wand.

"Ginny, you take the two nearest Isabelle. Harry, you get the three by Alec. Ron will take Jace's side." I instructed.

Ron wrinkled his nose. "I will?" He asked. I thwacked him on the head. 

"At least try being a decent person." Ginny scolded him, reminding me so much of her mother. Ron grumbled under his breath, but drew his wand, aiming slightly to the left of the Jace.

"I'll cover for Clary," I said, moving over to where the red-haired girl was fighting. 

"Are you guys ready?" Alec asked, sounding slightly annoyed.

"Just trying to get the incantation right so I don't curse any ears off," Harry muttered. 

"Take your sweet time, we wouldn't want you to accidentally kill someone," Jace scorned. A jet of  blue light streaked from Ron's wand, narrowly missing the blonde Shadowhunter. The Behemoth demon behind Jace exploded.

"Hey!" Clary yelled. "That could've hit him!"

"Oops," Ron muttered.

I sighed, shooting a nasty glare at Ron and Harry, who was clapping him on the back. "Okay, let's just get over with this." 

I addressed the Shadowhunters, who were still busy in combat. "When we say so, get out of the way." Distracted mutters of agreement floated around the area.

"On my count," Harry said, aiming for the demons by Alec. "Three, two, one, fire!"

A beam of pure evil and darkness shot from the end of my wand, hitting a demon to the left of Clary. I watched as the Behemoth began shuddering violently, going through spasms. Clary shrieked, moving away from the giant, convulsing slug. The demon's seizure gradually subsided, leaving behind a blob of ooze. Slowly, the liquid sludge seemed to seep into the stone walkway under our feet. Once the last bit of it was out of our sight, the demon was gone.

"Whoa," Clary muttered, looking at the spot where the demon vanished. I nodded in agreement. The other girl turned to face me, excitement written all over her face, her eyes blazing with exhilaration. 

"Another," She smirked. I flicked my wand over her shoulder, letting another jet of green light loose. It hit another demon, which went through the same convulsive spasms that the previous had, vanishing in the same manner. 

While the other Shadowhunters were impressed with our work, I could tell that the others didn't feel too strongly about using the Killing curse openly. After all, there was light and dark in everyone, the latter just waiting to be exploited.

"I've seen many things," Jace said. "But that was the quickest I've seen someone get rid of a Behemoth." 

Alec and Isabelle nodded in agreement. I smiled weakly, feeling sick at the thought of always relying on the Killing curse. Killing people just for standing in my way? Wasn't that what Voldemort did?

I turned to face the others. Harry's face was pale, like he was trying to keep it together. After seeing Voldemort murder hundreds of people on the spot, I can understand his hatred of using the worst Unforgivable curse. Ron and Ginny looked shaken, both knowing the consequences if either of their spells accidentally hit something or someone else.

"You know," Isabelle started. "You guys wouldn't make bad Shadowhunters."

Jace nodded. "Are there any spells meant for demons specifically?" He asked.

"Well, we sometimes use these things called Patronuses." Ginny explained. "They're kind of like goodness and joy in a solidified form. When cast correctly, they drive away Dementors."

Alec and Jace looked interested. "Are those demons as well?" They asked in surprising unison.

"Dementors are basically—" I was cut off by a sudden chill in the air. For a nice summer day, it suddenly got really cold. I noticed that the sun had been blocked by a thicket of clouds. A chilly breeze blew through the deserted courtyard, and I swear I could hear the tumbleweeds rolling. Around me, I could tell everyone else felt it, too.

Then came the sorrow. It was like being hit by an oncoming bus of depression; Shocking and without warning. Instead of staring around at my friends, I heard screaming. I closed my eyes and covered my ears, sinking to my knees. The screams didn't go away. After a few seconds, I heard the voices more clearly, being able to match the voice to the person.

The first person I heard was Fred Weasley. Then came Remus Lupin and Nymphadora Tonks. I heard Lavender Brown's dying shrieks and saw Colin Creevy's last, shuddering breath. I saw Snape's bloody body and Dumbledore's broken corpse. Image after image after image flashing through my mind, filling me with despair.

I suddenly jerked back to reality, realizing what was going on. The others were still reliving their worst moments.

"Hey, guys!" I yelled, snapping them out of their stupor. 

Everyone looked at me, relieved to come to their senses.

"What was that?" Clary asked, her voice barely a whisper. "It felt like my soul was being consumed by sorrow and hate."

Ron shared a knowing glance with us, then nodded. "I think there's still something in the church. Something you guys haven't seen before. And it's deadly."

Jace snorted. "I think I've seen, fought, and defeated every demon out there."

I shook my head. "Even if you had, it would've been impossible for you to encounter this creature."

"You mean demon." Isabelle cut in.

"No, I mean creature." I shot back. "Because it's not a demon." I looked toward the church, which seemed to be the fountain of despair.

"It's a Dementor."

As if on cue, black shapes floated out and into the open.

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