Chapter 15: Katniss Everdeen

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I nearly jumped out of my skin; Those shots seemed to come from nearby.

I unslung my bow and nocked an arrow, aiming at one end of the hallway. Beside me, Tris had her gun out, her hands steady as she aimed where I was aiming. I shot a glance over my shoulder, seeing Peeta holding a throwing knife and Tobias holding a gun, both  aiming at the other end of the hallway.

Hazel and Augustus looked positively terrified, both looking around frantically as though they expected to be attacked.

"Stay behind us." I whispered to Hazel. She gave a quick nod, pulling Augustus with her behind our defenses.

I heard something coming from the other hallway. Several pairs of feet, all running in perfect unison. As they neared the spot where their hallway met ours, I felt Peeta stiffen behind me. And then I realized that there were more people coming from their end.

We were surrounded.

My heart beat wildly out of my chest and I tightened my bowstring, ready to fire. That's when I noticed the arrow shaft wasn't black or silver or wooden; It was orange. Orange like the special arrows Beetee had made during the second rebellion. Orange like the explosive arrows. Orange.

I nudged Tris slightly. "Hey, would you mind if I had a grenade-like arrow ready to fire?" I asked.

She shrugged nonchalantly, smirking. "Go ahead."

"Peeta," I hissed. I felt him listening. "I have an explosive arrow left from the second war. I don't know how, I might've just slipped it in my quiver. I have it nocked and ready to fire. As soon as the Erudite round the corner, I'm letting it loose. We're going to run in the direction I'm facing. Got that?"

I heard him relay the message to Tobias. Hazel and Gus got the memo. 

I heard footsteps pounding closer and closer by the second. My bowstring tensed as my heart rate picked up. I, however, was not ready for what happened next.

As the group of soldiers rounded the corner, I saw a squad of five, all wearing blue uniforms. Each person was equipped with a large gun. On every person's right arm was a blue patch of an eye. None of their faces were protected.

Three me. Two women. I heard gunshots as Tobias started firing at the group behind us. I glanced back, seeing he had hit one person. Peeta was trying to keep Hazel and Augustus out of sight.

I turned back and focused on the group in front of us.

"Surrender now," one of the men called, aiming his gun. I heard Tris's bullet click into place, her aim unwavering.

"How about no?" She spat. Her bullet fired, hitting the man in the thigh. He howled in agony, collapsing.

The remaining four soldiers began shooting, their bullets ricocheted off the walls.

I ducked slightly, feeling the whiz of a bullet pass by my ear. I hoped it didn't hit anyone else. I was about to shoot my arrow, when I froze.

They were calling for backup.

In seconds, the remaining four soldiers had multiplied to twelve, and I'd wager the same was happening of Peeta's side. I tensed, almost firing, but stopped.

The uniforms on the soldiers flickered, like a desert mirage playing with my eyes. The blue lightened, turning spotless white. Helmets with visors appeared, obscuring their faces. The patch on every solder's right arm turned white; Even the eye changed. The thread somehow warped, changing and moving until it no longer resembled an eye. Instead, the patch bore an eagle symbol with its wings outstretched. The worst things was the white rose each of them had pinned to a pocket on their chest.

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