Chapter 14: Harry Potter

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A chill fell around the area, accompanied by a dreadfilled feeling; It was as though all the happiness, all the light in the world was being sucked into a dark vacuum of despair and nothingness.

And it was a feeling I knew all too well.

"What was that?" Clary asked, her voice barely a whisper. "It felt like my soul was being consumed by sorrow and hate."

Ron shared a knowing glance with us, then nodded. "I think there's still something in the church. Something you guys haven't seen before. And it's deadly."

Jace snorted. "I think I've seen, fought, and defeated every demon out there."

Hermione shook her head. "Even if you had, it would've been impossible for you to encounter this creature."

"You mean demon." Isabelle cut in.

"No, I mean creature." She shot back. "Because it's not a demon." We all looked toward the church, which seemed to be the fountain of despair.

"It's a Dementor."

As if on cue, black shapes floated out and into the open.

I reacted faster than anyone else, already thinking of my happiest memories.

I thought back to the first time I ever rode a broom. The first time Gryffindor had won the House Cup. I thought back to when I talked to my parents with the Resurrection Stone, just before I went to meet Voldemort. I thought about learning I could move out of the Dursley's, and the joy and jubilation that followed. I could practically hear Hagrid breaking down the door. 

I thought back to all the times Ron, Hermione, and I had stupidly made all those stupid decisions and somehow made it out alive. Those were good times.

Suddenly, a white shape burst from the tip of my wand. A full grown stag galloped straight through the Dementor nearest to Clary. She gave a small yelp as the creature whizzed past her.

The Dementor fled, it's dark shape billowing in the breeze. By now, an otter, a Jack Russel terrier, Tand a horse had joined the stag, all four animals working to rid the courtyard of despair.

I closely watched the Shadowhunters' reactions. Clary was awestruck, her eyes following the silvery animals. Isabelle and Alec were grinning as the corporeal shapes flew about. Jace wore a look of disgruntled admiration, no doubt impressed.

When the last of the Dementors was chased away, my stag companion returned to my side.

"Thanks, dad," I muttered, smiling up at the great stag. The deer lowered his head,  as if to say "you're welcome," but vanished like mist.

An awkward silence settled over us like a heavy, suffocating blanket.

Jace coughed. "Um, thanks," he said awkwardly.

Hermione nodded in return.

"Um, that's great and all, but I still have one question," Ron spoke up.

We all looked at him. "So, um," he cleared his throat. "How exactly are we getting home?"

"Well, the Portal at the Institute could probably take you to... wherever it is you need to go." Isabelle answered, flicking her whip. The metal snake curled back around her wrist, settling like an elaborate bracelet.


No one moved.

"So, can we go now, or...." Ron trailed off.

"Yeah, yeah, sure." Jace said dismissively. 

In a few minutes, we were standing in the Institute's library, the blue Portal swirling and warping like a wall of water.

"Okay," Alec started. "To get back to Hogwash—"

"It's Hogwarts." Ginny cut him off listlessly. "And we're not going there. We were on our way to the Quidditch World Cup. This year, it's in Ireland."

"Right." Alec waved the comment away. "To get to... Ireland, you just need to visualize exactly where you need to be. Not just the area, but the exact place you want to be; Because that's where you'll end up."

I focused on the glistening haze, seeing the big, green Quidditch field Ron had described all those years ago. 

And then I was falling.

Through space or time, I didn't know which. I wasn't even falling falling, just floating. I couldn't open my eyes; There was something preventing me from doing so. I just kept picturing the Quidditch field, the stands filled with thousands of witches and wizards, the commentators' box, the Golden Snitch zooming around, its tiny gold wings keeping it aloft....

And then my feet hit solid ground. I opened my eyes, seeing the Quidditch field before me. I felt three other presences materialized beside me. Ron. Ginny. Hermione.

"Okaaaaaay, so, what now...?" Ron trailed off, surprised our journey had ended so abruptly; We had barely known those other people.

"So, we find Dad and Mum." Ginny answered. "We get set up and find our seats. Simple."

"Not so simple." a voice from behind us interrupted. 

I looked back, at the people one row above us. Sitting there were four people. There was a boy and a girl who looked like brother and sister. Another was a blonde-haired boy. The last was a girl, whose flaming red hair reminded me of Ginny. 

"What the bloody hell are you doing here?" Ron gaped. 

Isabelle shrugged. "We watched you guys go through the Portal. We were walking out when everything clicked off. I blinked a few times and we just..."

"We appeared here." Alec finished. 

Hermione let out an audible sigh. "Great. Now what?"

"Well, they stay." Ginny said simply. We all looked at her in surprise. 

"Did I hear you right?" Jace asked.

"Yeah. Stay. What's the harm? They got to show us what they consider," she put up air quotes. "'Fun,' and so now we get to show them what fun actually looks like."

"And what might real fun look like?" Clary quipped.

"Not getting almost killed, that's for sure," Ron mumbled under his breath.

"Sure, why not?" Isabelle sighed. 

Everyone looked at Hermione. "It's not like I'm in chrage, you kids can figure it out yourself," she muttred. "Okay, fine."

"So, it's agreed, then." Ginny said. "They stay for Quidditch, don't go home just yet, we give them a tour of Hogwarts, have some fun, and spend a good amount of summer just hanging out."

"Wait, I never said that, they can't stay the whole summer." Hermione interjected.

"Yeah, we're gonna ignore that and just stay." Jace said smoothly

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