Chapter 16: Annabeth Chase

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"If these... Creators you keep talking about are the people who control your lives here, then they either lost control of what gets in here... or they just really hate you guys. Because this isn't over. It's just the beginning."

After Percy finished his little speech, more whispers flitted around the room.

"How do we know you're not with the Creators?" Gally called from the back of the room. More voices chattered as people actually considered it.

I rolled my eyes. "Seriously? What is wrong with out people? He almost died."

"Buuuuuut it could've been staged." Gally argued. I mentally facepalmed. May the gods be with whoever annoys me next, I might just strangle someone.

"And why would we do that?" Percy asked through clenched teeth.

"To get us to trust you? Why else? Are you guys just that dumb?" Gally scoffed.

"Okay, you know what-?" I dagger was out, its bronze blade gleaming in the dim light. Percy lightly grabbed my shoulder. I stopped at his touch, putting the weapon away.

"Don't. You. Ever. Dare. Question me again." I said darkly, looking Gally in the eye. He smirked.

"Was that a threat?"

"Παρακολουθώ το στόμα σου, άσχημο, βρώμικο, κακό, γιο του-" 

"Okay, Annabeth, that's enough," Percy said nervously. I noticed a slight rumble of thunder outside, even though there wasn't a cloud in the sky.

I took a deep breath, trying to calm down. But it's really hard not to kill someone who being a complete idiot.

"Look, Gally, it's possible that these people could get us out. They could help us." Alby interjected. 

Before Gally could say anything else, Thomas spoke up. "Hey," he directed at us. "I can't speak for all of us, but I do for most of us. We'll follow you guys anywhere."

I allowed myself a small smile and a grateful nod. 

"Guys, if we could get out of here, we could end the Creators." Thomas addressed the Gladers. "We could stop them from ever sending other kids into these circumstances. We could make sure their influence ends, and the other kids of the world can live in peace. But we need them."

The Gladers were quiet, considering this. Once again, thoughts were passed around the room, and it seemed as though people were taking to Thomas's side. Even Gally seemed okay with the plan.

"Okay, fine. But when we find them, I'm ending whoever's runs this whole operation." He smirked at me. "Just make sure ou don't get in my way."

That's IT!

My dagger flashed to my hand and I lunged at the boy. I don't know how his scrawny body managed to support the weight of his over-inflated head.

"Why you son of a b- son of a Hera!" I screamed. Thunder rolled outside and I think I saw a flash of lightning. But I didn't care. How much can he underestimate me? I could decapitate him without breaking a sweat. I mean, I would need a sharper knife, obviously; This one won't cut through his thick neck as easily. 

Percy and Teresa were restraining me, holding me back. Gally no longer looked entitled. Instead, he saw the bare minimum of my wrath and fury, and everyone knew it.

"Annabeth, enough." Teresa whispered in my ear. I stopped fighting, panting heavily. I glared daggers at Gally, piercing into his thick skull. He stared back, cowering under my gaze. Until he stopped.

Gally's eyes rolled up in his head, until you could only see the whites. He staggered backward as his eyes shut, collapsing on the floor. There were shocked whispered and accusations. 

"What did you do?" Percy whispered nervously.

"I didn't do anything," I hissed.

"Well, you did something alright," Teresa whispered.

I was about to respond when a bright white light exploded from overhead. I blacked out. 

A/N: Sorry about the hiatus. I just wanted to say a quick thank you to my small amount of readers. This is my most read book, which, when you think about it, is quite sad. In terms of future plans for this book, I know exactly how I want the plot to play out, it's just the filler chapters I don't know what to do with. The plot will progress significantly from here, promise. I haven't said this yet, but please feel free to comment, vote, share, add, whatever. Or not, I mean, I'm not your mom. Anyways, peace.

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