Chapter 22: Teresa Agnes

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Desert. Desert. More freaking desert.

"How long have we been walking?" I asked no one in particular.

"About an hour." Thomas responded.

"Does anyone have any water?" Gally asked.

"If any one of us had water, don't you think we'd have shared it by now?" Newt snapped. He looked cranky.

"Do you guys even know where you're going?" Gally asked Annabeth. "It can't be that hard to find a water source. I bet I could do a better job leading this group than you two."

She turned around, narrowing her eyes at him. "No, we don't. We're lost, same as you guys! But since you seem to know where to go, by all means, Gally, go ahead, lead the way to our paradise." She bowed mockingly, extending her arm.

I guess we're all a little uptight. We've been walking in the blazing heat with no water or food for about an hour.

Gally muttered something under his breath, but didn't say anything else. Annabeth turned back around and continued walking beside Percy.

"Aren't you tired?" I asked Percy, who didn't seem to be sweating as hard as the rest of us.

He shrugged. "To be perfectly honest, no. I don't know why. Maybe it's my demigod training, or maybe it's because I'm the... son... of..." He fell silent and stopped walking. I stopped, almost bumping into him.

"What's wrong?"

"I can't believe my stupidity right now." He muttered.

Annabeth noticed Percy had stopped and came up to us. "What's wrong, Seaweed Brain?"

A second after she said it, her eyes flashed dangerously as realization dawned on her. "YOU--IDIOT--PERSEUS--JACKSON!" She yelled, lightly punching him with every word.

"Whoa, whoa, stop!" I called out, trying to separate them. The rest of the Gladers, who had gone on ahead, stopped and turned around, each wearing a look of pure confusion. I still didn't even know why Annabeth was overreacting.

Thomas ran up to us. He picked Annabeth up, carrying her a few feet away from Percy. I made sure he was alright. "Dude, you okay?" I asked.

"Apart from my IQ dropping faster than the attendance rate at Apollo's concerts, yeah." He muttered.

There were some shouts from where Minho and Thomas were trying to keep Annabeth from killing Percy. Seriously, the glint in her eyes was positively murderous.

"So, why is your girlfriend trying to kill you?" I asked.

"This time?" Percy sighed. "I just realized that I'm the son of Poseidon."

"And that means...?"

He sighed. "I can create water."

It took a few seconds for his words to register, with the heat stroke and all. Then I realized; He can create water.

This time, it was me who punched him.

==== ====

The sun was rapidly setting, casting shadows over the horizon.

I stuck my tongue out, catching the salty raindrops on my tongue. The water relieved my parched lips and dry throat, and I sighed with contentment. Percy had made it drizzle in our part of the desert. I sighed and sat down amidst all the Gladers, and closed my eyes.

A few seconds later, the sand shifted beside me. I opened my eyes and smiled at Thomas, who had sat down next to me. I rested head on his shoulder.

"I thought I knew everything, everything that was going to happen." I said softly. "But then... the elevator came up and... those two were there." I sighed. "Not that I don't want them here. I guess, I could say that our current situation is better than if things had progressed the way they were supposed to."

"I still don't understand a word of what you're saying," Thomas said. "But then again, you're a lot smarter than I am."

I smiled, relaxing, feeling the cool drizzle of rain wash away the heat. "You know, things actually aren't going too bad, right now."

Thomas froze. "Why would you tempt fate like that?" He muttered.

I laughed a little, staring at the dying sun as it sank below the horizon line. "Relax, nothing bad is going to ha--"


All of a sudden, cries of terror and pain rose up around us. I jumped to my feet, looking around. Shadows--bodies--were already strewn around the sand. A tangy, metallic scent settled around the area, and I tried not to gag. People were dying.

I started running, searching through the crowd of confused Gladers. I heard Thomas behind me. "Teresa! Where are you going?"

I ran to the two people--possibly the only two people--that could protect us at this moment.

"Percy! Annabeth!" I called to get their attention. Annabeth looked at me as I came closer. Her dagger was already out, her sharp grey eyes flickering around the area with worry. Percy had out his... magic pen. The drizzle stopped.

"We heard the shouts, what's wrong?" Percy asked.

"People are dying, we're under attack or something." I said, panting slightly.

Thomas came up behind me. "Five dead. There are already five dead." He stated listlessly.

My heart dropped.

"Did you see how they died?" Annabeth asked.

I shook my head. "I didn't get close enough to any of the bodies. People are panicking, but there's no one else out here. It's just us."

All of a sudden, an arrow landed in the sand, an inch away from my foot. I shrieked, stumbling backwards. I turned around, glaring at the direction from which the arrow had come. I didn't know if it was just my imagination or a mirage, but I could see four people in the distance. I couldn't make out their appearances much, but they were close enough for me to see that there were two boys and two girls. I couldn't see if they had any weapons on them, but they were definitely within distance for a ranged attack.

It all seemed to happen in slow motion: I saw an arrow flying right at my head, and then I was tackled to the ground.

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