Chapter 27

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Do you have ever thing packed"

"Yes I have your things and mines along with the gifts and mom is down stairs waiting for us so let's go"

"What about the tickets" he looks at me with a smile

"They are in my hand bag"

"You sure about that" I just smirks

"I told you it's in my bag" I put everything down to check in the bag it wasn't there

"Don't worry I have it but you left it on the kitchen counter." We were putting the things in the car. I am so happy I decided to moved in with him two weeks after he came out of the hospital

We're heading to the airport for a flight to Miami for his grand father's birthday party I am happy this will give us some time to relax after everything that happened. We just landed and his brother is here to pick us up his came out two days ago to help his dad and uncle to set things up with his grandma

"So how is everything coming along"

"Great oh Camille grandma said rehearsal are later this afternoon"

"Oh okay"

"Grandma and her youthful spirit"

"Just wait till tomorrow when you see the dance I am so happy I am still single" Manuel said

"You wouldn't be saying that when you find the perfect and right one"

"What ever you say lover boy"

"Reminds me I have to meet my cousin Mom told me she just came back. Manuel can we take a few minutes detour please"

"Sure thing"

We pulled up in front of her art studio she is my mom cousin daughter they both came out to meet her

"Trisha were are you"

"Here cousin in my office"

"Here cousin in my office"

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Trisha Smith

"Mom told me you had just gotten back how are things going"

"Good so this is the new guy looks good and good for you, you are positively glowing I am happy for you" we heard some one clearing there throat when I looked around I saw Manual looking like a hungry Wolf and Adrianus with a smile like the cat that cough the Carneary

"Hello my name is Manual actually full name is Manual Jaden Rodriguez you"

"Trisha Lily Smith"

"Would you mind joining me for dinner tonight"

"Excuse me who are you I may know your name but you are"

"My boyfriend's brother"

"Baby brother" Adrianus said with a smile

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