Chapter 2

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It's now been over a month since the incident I would come every morning to drop off something for her to eat. When I first started doing it her mom would come with me to tidy up the place and make sure she eat something. However after a while she give me a spare key it was a copy of the one she had I decided to take some of my vacation time that I had to stay with her. She would move and act like a zombie as though her life was at a standstill the once lively, funny and active woman I love with my whole heart and soul is now in shambles because of that a**hold Andy oh how I want to make him feel pain but Anong said with time and treatment she should come around.

She just started threapy last week this is her third session this time she will be meeting with Mike. It's now 3:00pm in the afternoon I am putting out her lunch and her meds.

Play music now


I don't know how long it has been that I feel like this. Adrianus is so caring and loving with everything that he does for me what ever woman becomes his wife is a lucky girl. As for me I no longer believe in true love or love for a matter of fact I have no idea how my life came to be like this.

Right now my sister Kaarina is telling me that it's been six months now and how long am I going to let this get to me, and now come to think and look at it I realize Adrianus is not here as offten like in the morning for around five o'clock till late at night but comes for six o'clock and then comes back in the evening for around seven o'clock and leave early but not whole day like before I miss him and can't believe I let Andy do this to me for some reason I just slowly left my hands to my mouth and scream and scream and I finally feel like I'm alive once again, Kaarina came running over to me

"Camellia are you okay"

"Yay I am now I think it's time to end this I need to say goodbye to Andy and all our memories"

"What do you mean say goodbye"

"Just watch and see little sister also can you call our other two sisters, mom and my friend's and see if they can come over" with that I left too have a bath were after I was done with that I sat down and started writing a letter. With my family watching me very worry but I am going to be alright. I have finally coming back to my senses.

Dear Andy

You have hurt me to my core to my very soul and made me feel like I was nothing and I should stop living but thank you for that because if not for you I would not have known  just how weak I really was in fact I should say thank you for that because now, I am stronger for that than I expected your words can no longer hurt me in fact I feel like I have just taken a breath of freash air and a new lease on life. But let me tell you first off you are nothing without me all that you have done and accomplished was because of me I am coming to reclaim it not because of revenge oh no it's time you learn that your actions have consequences, and learn how to stand on your own two feet hmm now come to think of it, it has to do with a little bit of revenge and trust me I will get everything back with out me you don't stand a chance it will take you a whole lifetime. I want to see you beg me to stop and only then I will feel happy  that I got some justification for what you have done to me

With that fold it and place into an envelope to have it personal hand deliver to him if he thought I was sweet like an angel then I will show I can be as nasty as a devil and I think I know what I'm going to start with his precious vintage 1952 Mercedes-Benz the both of them

With that fold it and place into an envelope to have it personal hand deliver to him if he thought I was sweet like an angel then I will show I can be as nasty as a devil and I think I know what I'm going to start with his precious vintage 1952 Me...

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