Chapter 26

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When I walked in they both turn around and saw me holding up a gun to the little b*tch.I said "Hello Camille, oh and Adrianus. I can see you two are doing well"

"You conniving b*tch" let go of her.

"Tch tch I will watch that mouth of yours Camille"if I were you.

"Wendy are you crazy there's a warrant for your arrests and your going to pull this sh*t"

"Adrianus right now just shut the f*ck up I can't believe you want that over well let's be honest this" I motion to my body up and down

"Who wants your stick a**"

"Watch yourself this gun is loaded and I will shoot you in the knee cap anyway I am here to give you one last chance me or her if I can't have you nor will she in fact I may just kill her for the fun of it and leave you to suffer so chose"

"You're one sick, crazy a** b*tch" her  P.A said

"That's enough out of you time to make an example of you" I back hand slap her with the gun butt and then shoot her in the leg and hand "now that you see I am not playing choose"

"F*cking b*tch"

"You're lucky I didn't do worse slut" the pig was trying to get to her but he stopped her "so who's it going to be" just then I hear noise and what seams to be police screens. Okay I will just shoot her an make him suffer for alerting the police as, I was going to pull the trigger he jump me and started fighting me for the gun then it went off. The shot was heard just then the police came in he rolled off me and was on the ground bleding out. No no no it was supposed to be that b*tch not him. I start to cry they came take the gun while she's neeling next to him why did he chose her why? What's so good about her. So I turned around to shoot her for making me hurt him.


Adrianus want to drop me off personally knowing how crazy Wendy is. He even got Kenneth to get me a panic button which looks like a necklace

 He even got Kenneth to get me a panic button which looks like a necklace

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We went in and he was helping my get comfortable. When we saw Wendy walked in pointing a gun at Victoria and the both of us. Everything happened so slow but fast at the same time, luckily he made me get the panic button. I was able to hold it and press it. Alerting the police think God they came so fast and catch her. Now I am in an ambulance with the love of my life with a bullet in his shoulder and I want to kill that b*tch right now.

We reached the hospital he was rushing to the operating room. I waited for everyone to arrive, I was a histeairacl mess crying my eyes out the only thing keeping me sane was my mom and his huging me.

The doctor came out and said they were able to remove the bullet but because of the amount, of blood he lost he is currently in a critical condition but he will through. For now th are only allow one person to see him his mom told me that I should be the one.

(Play song now)

Seeing him in this condition with all these wires and tubes. I feel like I am dieing inside. But I know I have to be strong for him and the baby cause I need he. And if he thinks I will let him go he's is dead wrong cause he's always, always be there for me. Even if I have to drag him back from the river of sticks I will. He is in every part of my soul, he turned my disaster into a rebirth I need him in this life and hell every other life. 

"Now you hear me Adrianus Rodriguez don't even think of leaving me alone I will be like you're shadow, a ghost I will always be there because I need you more than anything in this life, even more than I need to breathe so come back to me and our baby"  after a while I felt him squeeze my hand and slowly opened his eyes I was a mess all over again.

One month later

Adrianus and Victoria were both doing well I told her to take as much time as she needed she is now in stable relationship with a very shy guy that she had to slowly cort. We had to testify in court in Wendy's case it seems it's not the first time that she has done crazy s*it .

The first time was miner but still serious it happen in senior year of Junior high school. She told a girl to break up with her boyfriend because she will be a better mach,first it started with servie bullie-ing then it stopped for three months and she became her friend invited her for a sleep over put sleeping pills in the girl drink and shaved the girl bold, second time she was in high school she video recording a girl having a relationship with a young teacher assistant he was twenty the girl was sixteen and send it out for everyone to see because the girl didn't respect her third time was sophomore year in college like the first girl trusted her , she invited her to a party put a date rape drug in her drink and give he to four guys and tape it.

Then threaten her with it the girl being a virgin didn't want anyone to find out. She even left the college my brother was complying all this evidence for the case. She was sentence to six months psych evaluation and then we will see what will happen after the ten guys she hired got seven years and the guy who made the drug one year probation cause he had no pryer offenses I just thank God this is all over now. We are now currently heading to his grandfather birthday party.

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