Chapter 12

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I had planned to talk to Adrianus this weekend but things came up and our talk had to be postponed because of my sister who is currently hiding out at my place also Adrianus was out of town for a case of his.

His P.A Prisha who is just the most sweetest thing told me when I called to make an appointment on his planner because at the time when I tried to get a hold of him I found out from Edson that he was in court when he came to take me to lunch however events after events just keeps coming up between the both of us and it's now been four months since I had made up my mind to tell him that I am starting to have romantic feeling for him but I am starting to have doubts again.

I am home by my parents house because my littles sister was on vacation reason is because she didn't live or work in America but abroad because of her last relationship she had been in one day she told the family that she needed a new scenery and pace with her six fail, relationships I can understand why being the first one humiliate her in front the hold school it was so bad it made her switch schools, the other two after cheated on her the next one was using her in college to get in his sorority by seeing how much he can make the "fat girl" fall for him after that she became reluctant to date anyone the fifth one was a coworker that keep asking her out but it was so he could get to Kaarina he meet her once when she went to have lunch together , the last one was the worst of them all they were together for two years going good or so we thought, the thing is there names was joint on everything we tried to tell her but she didn't want to hear anything about it and said she was finally happy so we let it be on till we found out he cleaned out the account they shared even there apartment lucky it was only one of her accounts he was on it's been a year she seems to be doing well I can understand why she and Parker is so close they have been through same situation while think about it I can see why they don't want anyone any more, I don't know what I would have done if I was in her shoes and I didn't have Adrianus and my family sure she had us but she didn't have someone like Adrianus like I did, with these thoughts on my mind she walks in with out me realizing

"So sis what's eating at you"

"Oh Kathy what's up"

"You first she say you look like you have the world of problems and worries tell me maybe I can help" she says with a wink this lefts my spirits

"Find if you must know I am having feeling for someone but I don't know if to tell them or not I did want to a couple of months ago after talking to a friend about it but now I am back to not feeling so sure about it"

"hmm okay I see but what do you think is giving you this doubtful feeling first of all is it because of what happened between you and that a**hold of an ex"

"Hell no I have moved passed that, I am a little ashamed of what people would think"

"WHAT with our family and your friends not a chance so who is it for you to feel this way it's not like I'm trying to pry in to your business okay but with a little more knowledge I might be able to help" I was hesitant about it but decided to go for it

"It's Adrianus and I don't know what Leticia will think of me" with that she gives me a sly smile and a smirk

"Okay Camille hear is what you are going to do I want you to write everything down how you feel, your doubts, what you want from him and lastly .I will tell both of you were to meet you will do the same with the letter to Leticia but also include how you think she would feel disgusted with you I would personally deliver it to both of them in two days prior to the delivery of the first letter you will meet Adrianus four days after you will meet Leticia and then we will go from there you we also come to a party I am holding in three weeks okay"

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