Chapter 18

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I can't believe he was choking me for that pig he calls a woman if he thinks I am going to let this go, he is sadly mistaken just you wait and see what happens to your sweet I will make you reget your choices in life.  When I get through with the both of you for treating me like this.

We just enter the condo and I need to find out what has been going on with everyone, I also need to get Victoria over here to go over everything with me and get everything done and prep for tomorrow while in my track of tough I didn't hear Narnia called me

"What has you so out of it, is it your lover boy"

"No if you must know miss I have been thinking about you all. I want a run down on what's happening with everyone and I have to call Victoria today to come over so we can get things in order for tomorrow"

"Oh okay but you have to tell me about what happened between you guys"

"Okay but it will have to wait till tomorrow"

"Kaarina, Sam, Tiffany and Anong text you to get information on everything"

"Yea so I told them we will make it a lady's night here"

"Okay I can wait until tomorrow so what do you want to know about"


"Okay well Kathy left and went back already because she got  called in by her boss they just got a big project she needs to finish up fast, Kaarina start having session with Mike he is really helpful, Edson plans to pop the question, Parker and  his lover boy I think was in something but he realized he started to fall in love with him and decided to run for the hills, David is taking his vacation time and spend it with Grandma and Grandpa in the Caribbean and Gabe thinks he's meet someone new I think that is it oh I leave for Rome in two weeks"

"What about your storker"

"Don't worry I can take care of myself and I am carrying my pro kickboxer friend"

"Okay let me go an call Victoria" it was about 6'o clock when she arrives with everything we needed to go over for tomorrow morning

"So how did it go"

"Stop right there you will get the run down on everything tomorrow at the lady's night I am having with everyone"

"Okay what time oh and did you and his sister talk"

"Around 8 and no Leticia will be coming over two hours before everyone else to help me and Naenia organize everything and let us talk but it will go smoothly because she knew he like me all this time"

"Hmm that's a shock to hear good luck boss"

It was 6am when I was waken up to a pair of lips on mine I kiss back as though it came oh so naturally to me when we parted he was looking at me with pure love and lust mix "oh no you don't I am still recovering from before"

"Oh come on just a little"

"No" that is when I heard giggling by the door

"Wow what were you guys up to" Naenia said

"Can we have some privacy please"

"Sure what ever" with that she walked away

"So are you staying for breakfast"

"Of course love"

"Good because I am making you favorite Mexican breakfast I call your mom who give me your grandma number and told me how to make it" when I placed it in front of him he had the biggest smile I am so happy that he like it, his grandma told me that she will teach me all his favorite Mexican foods and his mom is to teach me all his favorite Cuban foods

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