Chapter 24

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When I got to hospital I took her out of the car and head to the front desk

"Good day Sir what is the problem"

"My girlfriend eat something and is acting strange and then passed out" she called for a stretcher they told me to wait till they called for me. I took a seat an made a few calls. As I was seating in the waiting room I noticed Karen was still there.

"What are you doing here"

"I'm here for Camille is that alright with you"

"After what you did?"

"Look I know you don't have any reason to like me but to me Camille is still a friend"

"That's funny coming from you with what you and that piece of sh*t did to her, my mother always though me to respect women so I am trying very hard not to tell you what I really think of you so could you please leave"  I said in a harder voice

"No I am not leaving till I know she is okay"

"Let's be honest your only here because you want to make sure she is still alive for when you're daughter turns twenty-one so she will sign over full control of the architectural company under the condition you and your pig of a husband tell her why she has to pay her parents a salary and if she doesn't fall through with it Camille has all rights to take back full control of the company, last time I checked she still holds fifty-five percent of the shares and your daughter will have only fourthy-five percent on her eighteen birthday so tell me I am wrong"

"You think so low of me"

"To be honest Yes!"

"Think of me however you like but I really want to mend things between us oh and here is what she eat before she started acting like she was taking drugs" as she was about to turn and leave when we saw Camille's family and friends along with my parents and sister

"What's that b*tch doing here" we heard Sam says and before anything she's in front Karen and slap's her before anyone could say anything Sam tells us to stay out of it

"I attempt, I deserve that happy now I am sure your much happier with that out of your system"

"Actually you being on the ground will feel better" just then Michelle came over to us.

"Am I interrupting something"

"No sweetie you can continue" we all looked at Tiffany like she grew two heads "what will you guys stop looking at me like that Adrianus, you along with Mr. And Mrs. Alexander should talk to him we will wait here" He lead us to the room she was.

"Well first of all we really don't know what happened however when we run some blood test something wasn't right we got alcohol mix with something else so I got a friend who is a specialist in toxins and poisons along with recreational drugs and it was an aphrodisiac do you know what she eat or drink that could have these two things in it oh and don't worry the baby is okay"

"Baby what baby."

"Ohh boy she hasn't told you guys yet she hmm well she's six weeks pregnant congrats well anyway if you guys know or find out anything do tell me also we are just keeping her over night for observation we had to sedate her with the way she wake  up so she will be out all night" I was just amazed I am going to be a dad I didn't hear anything after that on till her dad holds my shoulders "Adrianus you should stay a little then head home so you can pick her up tomorrow" he said, he then turned around and said

"Thank you so much Doctor" and they left to wait for me in the waiting room and tell everyone what happened to her. I went and sat down holding her hand in minds.

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