Chapter 7

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It was Friday morning and I was heading over right now to Camellia place I was going to take her to the a special cliff side at least to her the view is beautiful she loves it, it's also were she would offten go every time she felt overly stressed or sad and wanted to let everything go and scream in fact I was the one that first took her there when her pet dog died. I still remember when she saw the view she just started crying let everything out and was finally and fully able to let everything go I know that after yesterday she is doing well but I want her to be able to fully let go of all the hurt, pain, anger, angush and hate and fully move on however, thought the years she forgot about it I am going to take her there and see how she reacts I am hoping it's the same way  with her dog.

I will then suprise her with a weekend trip to Brazil my cousin owners a resort there so I want her to relax and recover. I am now down stairs in front of her building about to head up in the elevator when I reached her door. I use the spare key I got that's when I heard a famuler voice as I entered the living room it is Samantha

"Wow Samantha when did you get back"

"Last night and how many times have I told you just call me Sam and not my full name wait how did you get in . Is that the spare from the plan pot"she asked with raised eye brows.

"Her mom made me a spare key okay"

"Okay so when are you going to make your move now that douch of an a** is out of her life oh, don't look e all puzzle everyone knows just how much you are in love with her. I mean everyone even that ex a** of hers except dummy inside and if you're worrier she might hear us she is taking a bath oh just look at your blushing face after haring she is in the bath" sometimes I can't stand this one of her friends and her straight forwardness any besides that everyone knows if Edson told them I am so going to deal with him

"Oh don't stresses yourself out it's not Edson" that's another thing she does it's like she can read your mind

"No fool I can't read minds, you always and I mean always steers at her when she is not looking it's like you can't take your eyes off of her your quite overous if you know what I mean anyways better make your move quickly because their are a lot of men how want her but she is very loyal so make it quick"

"I want her heart to heal first you can't be able to except me to feel like a rebound so when she is  heal. hand only then will I make a move because I intend to make her my wife I know she thinks I am a player but I will prove her wrong"

"What are you guys talking about" Camellia said coming out and looking amazing as always with a small travel bag

"Oh nothing really" said Sam

"Anyway are you ready to go"

"Yep sure is however I don't know were we are going so I packed a little bit of everything oh and lock up will you leave  Sam"

"Sure no problem"

"So were are we going"

"You will see"

"Why are you keeping secrets from me"

"I am not" I think she is suspecting me but I dout it

Play song now

When she saw the view her eye went wide and she started to smile at me.

"You remember why I use to come here thank you" and with that she started crying she fell to her knees still crying I came up behind her and hug her she turned into my chest and cried and scream till she had her fill when she was done she looked at me and said

"How could he hurt me so do you know how much I loved him but now all I feel is hate and anger for him. I hate him so much I really did wish he would drop down and die he hurt me so much but being here with you like this I can say I am going to be fine and I can really let go" she took a deep breath and relax

"I am going to let everything go all the hurt, pain, anger, confusion and sorrow thank for helping me through this why is it that you always know what and just how too help hmm, no really why is it that you always know just what I need. I can actually say you knew I needed to get everything out of my system and just how to  help me to let everything go I really do think I can fully and final let go now thank you Adrianus why is it you know me better than I know myself"

"Do you remember what I told you some years back the last time we were here I will always know exactly what you need and want that I will always take care of you, be here for you and know exactly what I have to do to help you through any problems in your life all of it, okay"


"Anyway I have one more suprise I am taking you to Brazil for a week I already informed the firm I am taking a week break I have no cases right now and I have asked your secretary to clear you schedule till next Friday. I already have the tickets and a place for us to stay so come on" with that we're back in the car heading to the airport and she puts on my sound system and when she here the song that starters playing she turned to me and said.

"I love this song"

"I know that's why I put it to pay for when you put it on" with that she puts it on reply till we reach the airport which is not long and she sings and moves with it how can I not love this woman, I smile to myself I park my car and my brother is waiting right there to take my car back for me and now we are on our way to our little vacation.

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