Chapter 22

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      We all need to look into the dark side of our nature...that is where the passion is..the is part of who we not fear it...embrace it. Become whole...we are both darkness and light.....

        I pant, clutching my jacket closer to myself whilst trying to shake out the obvious thought towards my action now.

          I did not just have sex with someone I barely know.

        I turn and catch Levi fast asleep on the couch opposite the sofa we had just...done it. He looks beautiful, and that word isn't even supposed to be of use to the male specimen. His hair falls against his forehead and he lets out light snores as his hand falls over the arm of the sofa. I had come to like him in the small time I got to know him but we're both crazy. He should know that. We met in a fucking day and we were over each other within minutes. Do people get intoxicated through coffees now?

          I brush my fingers through my hair, trying my best to clear out my thoughts. I slip on my shirt, tug on my trouser and pull on my jacket, all within a rush. I had to be gone before he awoke. I didn't want to be mocked by my emotions the moment he did.

          I take a step towards the door when I realize I didn't check for my key. Putting my hands in my pockets, assuring myself of its position. I make my way towards the door once more. I pull the door open when I hear a loud teasing groan.

        "Do you always leave before they're up?" I hear Levi's voice behind me and I turn to look at him, cocking my brow. He has a teasing smile on as he grabs his shirt and pulls it down his nicely toned abs. I avert my eyes, trying not to appear Impressed by how good he was in a lot of areas.

          "There are not usually they," I state an answer to his question. "Just so you know, I don't do this everyday. I don't even need to justify myself in front of you. I had an off day. You were there to provide comfort. That's all. Nothing more."

        He finally stands, his smile not leaving his face. "I didn't need justification. Last night was good."

        "Don't get so ahead of yourself." I snort, rolling my eyes.

        "Can I at least get a number?" He inquires and I hold out my hand, asking for a pen. If it'll get him to shut up, why not give him the damn thing. I'm barely on my phone anyway and I rarely receive my calls.

       He puts a marker on my hand and I rip a piece of paper off the closest clipboard. "Just, so you know, I don't do calls."

          I shove both the paper and marker into his hands and his smile increases. Now, seeming to turn into one of adoration.

            I scoff before finally walking out the door. The coffee shop is already up and running and a few customers are in. A girl is behind the counter and she raises a brow when she sees me walking out of the room, which Levi had stated was only for employees.

         "Looks like Levi had a good night." I hear her whistle.

       I ignore her and stalk towards the front door, pushing it open. The cold morning air hits me and I sigh, making a beeline for my motorcycle. Time to go home.


       I huff, sliding my window up to get into my room. I make a small struggle, climbing up before I finally land on my floor on all floors. A dirty thought crosses my mind about Levi at my position and I almost smack myself for having such ridiculously perverted thoughts. It's evening now and there's no sign of Jenna or my dad being around. They were probably off at work or something.

      I make my way towards my bathroom, get a good long scrub in my shower, brush my teeth before slipping into an oversized tee and sweatpants for once in a lifetime. I crawl under my covers with a book when I hear my phone buzzing. I catch sight of it on my tabletop and grab it. An unnamed number flashes across the screen and I can't stop myself from smiling.

        Couldn't even follow the dumb three days rule.


      I stare at my ceiling, placing my arm behind my head. Everything was falling apart. First, my parents are getting a divorce, then, I transferred my anger and aggression because of that towards Raven and that made her take off. I was a fucking bomb, slowly affecting everyone in my life. I couldn't get anything straight. All I could do was destroy and I really hoped I wasn't destroying my chances with the one girl I actually had feelings for.

     An image of her flashes across my mind and I sigh in contentment. Her short black hair was really something to adore, it was properly fitted with her warm blue eyes and while she didn't embrace the beauty that came with her hanging on to a smile or an happy moment. She was equally hot when she went into full beast mode too.

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