Chapter 14

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We make our own monsters,then fear them for what they show us about ourselves...

"Bye kiddo," Jenna grins, when I get out of her car. "Try having a good day, okay?"

I adjust the strap of my bag and roll my eyes. "Well, the devil isn't coming over today, now is he?"

She mimicks my movement by rolling her eyes as well and then finally drives off with one more smile. I make a quick sprint for the school door when I realize it's still pouring. Just as I shove the school double doors open, I lose my balance and a hand helps pull me up before I make a major fool of myself in front of everyone.

"Careful." I look up and catch Klaus standing there, his grip on my arm while I try stabilizing my stand. When did I become so clumsy?

I jerk out of his grip when I'm sure I've gotten myself under control once more. "Thank you."

"That's a new one." He raises his brow at me. There's something unusual about him though. He had his usual sense of humour on but the smirks and the dimpled smiles were no where to be seen.

"Are you okay?" I find myself asking him. At that same moment, I internally ask myself why the hell I even care.

He looks overhead, like he's expecting something or someone. His lip goes through pressure as he licks and bite on it making it appear even plumper than usual. I decide to turn on some sweet charm just to get him to talk and my cold hand makes it way to his alarmingly warm face. I could hold on forever. I shake out the silly thought and tilt his face to look at me and I think that's when my question sink in.

"Are you feeling okay?" He asks me, his hand making it way to where mine was on his cheek. His fingers lightly brushes against mine and I make the bolting movement to retract my hand. "Does the rain affect you in some sort of weird way or something?"

I bite down on my lip, gripping on the hand Klaus had just touched. "It's teasing smirk or anything, just wanted to make sure you're fine."

"Okay, you are definitely under the weather." He makes the most awful rain pun and immediately breaks into a huge smile, revealing his beautifully indented dimples.

There we go.

"And you need to attend English classes more." I switch to my demeaning tone, not wanting to give off any hint of interest. I turn around and make my way towards my locker.

I make the books exchange when I arrive at my locker and just as I shut it, I catch Taylor beside me, leaning against the row of lockers beside mine.

"Shouldn't you be in an asylum or something?" She immediately fires, checking out her nails.

"I am in one." I nod my head, taking a few steps backwards.

"Oh don't try playing sarcasm on me Black," She snaps, standing straight. "Your father should be paying the bills for your treatment in an asylum at this moment."

I flip the textbook in my hand over, weighing it. How'd it feel against the human's face? "Trust me Taylor, if we're in the same building, it's an asylum."

Her jaw drops and I turn to take my leave. Words seemed to work better with her anyway. Spoilt little brat.

"Hey bitch," I grin, settling on the chair next to Zoie when I get to my calculus class. I notice her jaw instantly tighten and my grin widens at that. Why did I just have that sort of impression on people? "When do we start this tutoring thing? I really need to get the teachers off my back as soon as possible."

"Definitely not soon if you keep making entrances like that." She finally turns to eye me and my smile turns to a smirk. I had a feeling of extreme admiration for her. She was some sort of crazy rich bad bitch.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I just prefer referring to people according to their specie," I go on, determined to get on her nerves a bit more.

"You're lucky you're still talking," she growls. "But I'm also very sure you won't want to be creating a list for the names of people you've kicked their asses at this school."

My face scrunches up in confusion and my brows arches. Was that a way of giving me a compliment or something? "So you're saying you know I can kick your ass?"

"I'd like to see you try." She smirks.

I'm sorry. Wasn't she just complimenting me? "That is not a challenge."

"Why? Too afraid to take it?" Her challenge completely becomes clear at this point and I try thinking of all the good and bad ways this could go.

"I'm taking a break from drama for a while, she fucked up big time yesterday." I give her another huge grin, letting out those words. My anger and ego were part of the things that controlled me but my brain also had some major control.

"See you at four." Zoie finally says, turning back to face the white board and I notice the teacher's entrance.

"Sure thing."

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