Chapter 5

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Do you know what it's like to wake up in the morning and just hate every inch of yourself?...


      I groan in frustration going through the rows of books which had been kept on the library's shelves. Surely, they had to be a book so engulfing and interesting enough to take me out of my misery.

      The first bell suddenly sounds and I roll my eyes, retrieving my fingers which were subconsciously tracing the barks of the books.

      I make my way to the librarian, a thin dark skinned lady wearing gigantic heart framed glasses. Her clothes, baggier than that of someone required to use the largest size.

        "Hello." She grins widely at me and I force myself to return her smile with a small wave. "You must be new. I'm Isla, West High's very own librarian. You look unfamiliar so you must definitely be new, you are?"

     She was quite the parrot. Such irony for a librarian.

      "Raven." I answer her previous question. I had approached her to ask about some of the novels they had in store but on second thought, I might as well just bolt now.

       "Like the bird?" She stares at me with fascination.

      "Oh, definitely like the bird." I smirk.

      The dark, mysterious bird.


         The first few classes went by so fast. I went through the same process over and over again; being asked to introduce myself to the class while they all gave me the stink eye, like I didn't belong there.

      I knew I didn't. They didn't have to bother.

    By the time lunch came around, I was practically bored and anxious to get home. I got a burger and a bottle of coke, making my way towards an empty table in the center of the room.

      I stay there for a while, quietly eating while I people watched. The loners hung out around each other. The jocks joked around and––

      "Get the hell away from my table!" A hand suddenly slams onto my table, frightening me. Could this school be anymore cliché?

         I lock eyes with the girl from the hallway. Her eyes seemed to be throwing daggers at me.

       "You're totally welcomed to sit with me." I grin at her.

       "Get. Away. From. My. Table." She repeats, laying emphasis on each word, like I didn't hear her the first time.

      I blink rapidly. "Your table? It's the school's property. Your name isn't on it, you can't personalize it."

        She immediately places her hands on her hips glaring at me. "Taylor Cooper. Now get off!"

        "Sorry." I scoff. "Finders keepers. Losers weepers."

    I childishly recite and she makes the reaction to grab me by the leather jacket. I immediately retort by grabbing my pocket knife from my leather jacket, directing it at her face. "Careful princess. The leather jacket might not cost as much as the mascara you're putting on but it definitely holds a lot more sentimental value. Now be a good girl and let go before I ruin that pretty face of yours."

        Her next reaction slightly frightens me. She lets out a loud shriek which alerts everyone around. I stare at her in horror, groaning when the principal stalks in.


       I got detention.

      First day. First detention. I was a little impressed with myself if I was being honest.

        The classroom being used for detention was almost empty when I got in after school, the exception of a few kids scattered around the classroom, their gazes burning into the male teacher, who had a novel in hand. The cover, being something no kid should have to see. It had two half naked personnel of the opposites gender across, displaying strong feelings of love. Erotic.

       I go ahead to take a seat in front of the class, placing my crossed legs on the table in front of me while my eyes scanned every detail of the room. Was I really going to stay like this for two hours?

            The first hour went by really quickly since I spent half of it dozing off and the other half counting sheeps.

        I had my eyes glued on the wall clock for the second half and time seemed to tick by slower than ever then. When the last minute finally went by, I jumped out of my seat making my way out of there. The teacher was already asleep and some of the people in there had already left so it was getting pathetic.

          I sling my backpack over my shoulder as I make my way to the parking lot. A car was still in check, blasting loud music. I notice a tall, well built guy in the school's uniform jumping around to the bass of the music. His jet black hair falls against his forehead as he shakes his head childishly. He playfully hits another guy who is seated in the driver's seat smiling. His light blonde hair neatly placed on his hair unlike his friend's own. His blue eyes suddenly hits mine and he nudges his friend who pauses and obliviously turns to look at me. A smile plastered on his face revealing nicely indented dimples. His warm blue eyes peering into mine.

        He raises his hand and gives a small wave.

      I swiftly realize I had been standing in that spot, taking in every detail of these two boys with charming blue eyes. I grab my headphones, placing them over my ears as I ignore the boys and walk away.

      I didn't wave back.

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