Chapter 9

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   If I conquered all my demons,they wouldn't be much left of me...

        Saturdays. I loved Saturdays. I adored Saturdays. I could marry Saturday. The overwhelming feeling of getting extra sleep time in bed was something that could turn me on. Literally.

       Of course, I had decided to return to bed after bolting up from my ridiculously hot dream about my freakishly hot British classmate. Not that I'd ever admit it to his face. We wouldn't want that ego of his inflating. I groan when the sound of our neighbor's lawn mower comes on. Every. Single. Saturday. The Lawson's make it their stupid duty to make their way into my head and awaken me from my sleep by cutting they claimed, one inch tall lawn. Like, who gives a fuck?

       I lunge myself out of bed in nothing but an oversized black t shirt and poke my head out of my room's window which so graciously happened to be directed towards the side of the freaks house. My room was in line with their daughter's, Amelia and every Saturday, I reminded myself to be grateful for this fact because it enabled me do what I did just every Saturday morning.

       "Hey! Mia!" I yell, using the nickname which I had heard most of her friends use on her. "Can't you get your father to do something better than mow the lawn so fucking early in the morning?! You couldn't do it the night before?! For fuck's sake, some people are trying to..."

        A force suddenly pulls me backward and I prepare myself to give my father some intense nagging as well but I'm instead faced with someone who looks intensely like my mother. My dead mother.

        "I hate you Jenna." I growl, stepping away from her. Only my mother's younger sister shared the undying resemblance to her.

          "Is that how you're going to welcome your favourite aunt back?" She jokes. "And at this point Raven, I'm sure the entire neighborhood knows you're up."

         "That's the point." I arch a brow with a smirk.


      I subconsciously listen as my dad and aunt have a conversation in the open kitchen while I sit in the living room, a book on my laps as I steal glances every minute. Jenna had been away for a while after my mom died, she originally stayed with us because she had a job here but lived far. She had wanted to get an apartment in town but my mom refused and offered her a room here instead. It was actually kind of nice having her over except from some days when she gave me lessons I didn't want and crawled all over my skin. I shared a secret liking for her anyway.

         I finally notice her making her way back to me, her long sleeved shirt being pulled on by her fingers. She had that habit.

       "I'm not your dad," she says pulling the book from my laps. "I'm not falling for the reading shit."

           I roll my eyes, placing my feet to the ground to make space for her to sit down. "Good for you. You're a human smarter."

        "I still have no idea where you got your sass from young lady because my sister sure as hell didn't have such attitude." She comments.

          "Maybe you just didn't notice. Wasn't she a decade older than you? So how certain are you she didn't have it before they even had thoughts of having you?"

    Her jaw drops at that and she stands up at the same time as me. "Don't talk to me that way."

         "You're not my dad," I lean towards her ear, dropping my voice to a whisper. "And you're most certainly not my mom."

      I grab my helmet from the coffee table in front of me and make my way out the front door. I liked her but the usual urge to launch insults and the hurting truth in people's face was something I couldn't ignore. It was a trait I couldn't get rid of but also one I didn't mind having.

            I make a stop at one of the closest bar and settle in a booth. I'm not twenty one, I don't drink but the bouncer is not stupid. I was so used to this place, way before I even got in high school. They knew I hated alcohol and that I only came here for the show. They had at least one performer by the end of the day. And sometimes the drunkards added to that because man, when they start cussing and more, it can get real funny.

      I was once a part of one of the shows when a man got extremely drunk and started harassing Isabella, she was one of the waitress who served here and she was extremely dashing. I couldn't stop myself from staring no matter how many times I had seen her. She was tall, with flowing strawberry blonde hair, olive eyes and dimples which were to die for. She was also really friendly and just got into college this year. She had a personality one could only adore and a body guys could drool over and girls could wish to have. She was one of the people that had created a part for theirselves in my life.

      I had almost gotten myself in trouble, bringing a bottle of alcohol to the man's body just to have him step away from her. I had myself throwing punches within minutes and he admittedly threw a good one too, even in his drunk state but it was the end of the line when I had given a really harsh one which sent him down. My face was swollen for days. It was worth it.

         "What are we thinking about today?" Isabella grins taking a seat opposite me in the booth.

      I exhale, rolling my eyes when she wiggles her eyebrows in some sort of funny way.

          "The cute boy over there?"

      I knit my brows together and follow her gaze to where a guy in all black is seated, taking sips of alcohol out of a small round glass.

         "I don't think he's twenty one yet but then again, who am I to reject some nice cash?" She shrugs, going on.

       Someone suddenly cat whistles waving towards her. She stands up, letting out a low grumble. "I'll be back Raven, I'm so sorry."

    She apologizes before going to meet the customer. Curiosity gets the better of me as I make my way towards the guy Isabella was talking about and I let out a snarl when I realize who it is.

         "Should you even be drinking that?" I don't fail in showing my disgust towards the alcohol he had in his hand.

       Klaus turns over in his stood and his eyes glimmer when he catches sight of me. "Don't worry. I don't get drunk." He winks at me.

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