Chapter 10

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You wake up every morning to fight the same demons that left you so tired the night before, and that, my love is bravery...

I stare at the dark haired boy in disbelief. If I wasn't sure what emotion arose whenever I was around him before, I sure as hell do now. Irritation. What kind of a guy gets drunk? Why would anyone need to get drunk? Why are people so keen on escaping their problems instead of facing them? What the hell are they so afraid of?

"Are you going to say something or you're trying to think of a way to paralyze one of my nerves again?" Klaus asks, toying around with the glass on the counter.

I briefly snap out of my reverie and raise my eyes to his. "What? Paralyze?"

He flicks his brow to answer to my question and I'm unable to control the simple breath of laughter which escapes my lips in that very second. I was laughing without cause. Humourless. It seems to surprise both me and Klaus when I pin him by surrounding each of his side with a grip to the counter behind him.

"It's not my fault you let your dick control that body of yours." I lean in close, leaving the little whisper into his ear. I get a slight reaction from him when he shoves me away by placing his hand to my chest. He growls loudly and I roll my eyes. Nothing I haven't seen before.

"I am so sick of you," He spits grabbing his glass of alcohol once again. I reflexively smack it out of his hand in anger. "What the fuck is wrong with you?"

I glance around and notice half of the bar is staring at us now. I guess two seventeen year olds might just be the show for today. Too bad I didn't want that for myself.

"Shut up." I snap at him and his look intensifies.

Isabelle suddenly sprints over, leaning against the opposite side of the counter. She takes repeated breaths directing her gaze towards me.

"Raven, can we not do this today?" She lets out a huge breath and then turns to Klaus grabbing a fistful of his jacket. "Hey blue eyes, you're cute. Don't ruin that pretty face of yours now."

I fight the smile creeping to my face at her use of humour at the oddest moment.

"I'll go." I put up my hands in mock defense and most people seem to return to what they were previously doing. I walk up to Isabelle with a shrug and give an apologetic smile. "Sorry?"

She places a palm against the counter and another on her hip, shaking her head. "Oh no, no. Sorry is not what I want to hear, what I want to hear is how you know blue eyes over there."

She nudges her head towards Klaus who's now making his way out the bar. He seems to be having a hard time with the bouncer, probably because of the little drama we just created in the last two minutes.

"Another day's story?" I inwardly cringe thinking about talking boys with anyone.

"It better be." She nods tossing me my keys.

I have Isabelle help me hold my motorcycle keys anytime I walk in here, the guys can be very picky and you never know when they're going through your pockets. It's an impressively annoying thing.

I make my way to the door where Klaus is still with the bouncer. I exhale trying not to think of the multiple gender grading insults coming into my head at this moment. I didn't have to be mean. Instead, I nod towards the bouncer when I finally approach them.

"Hey Cannon!" I call him out by the nickname he was known by. "He's with me."

He immediately let Klaus go and I give him a small smile making my way out of the bar as well.

"Thank you!" I hear Klaus yell out as I approach my motorcycle in the parking lot.

I ignore him, taking a climb on my bike.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I hear him groan out and I grab my helmet from the handle where I had it placed. "I don't understand you."

I sigh placing my helmet over my head, my key makes it way toward its position when I feel a strong force pulling off my helmet.

I snap at that.

"What the fuck?!" I growl swiftly getting off my bike.

"Now, that..." Klaus directs his index finger at me with a smirk. "That's progress."

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