Chapter 13

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   Will you dance with my demons when it rains tonight?...


       I chuckle at the lame attempt Shawn had made at a dirty joke. We just got out of classes and was heading towards the cafeteria for what we hoped to be one of the good meals the school managed to offer us. The chemistry teacher had used up some minutes of our lunch break and I thought it was only fair for the school to compensate us for our time abuse by giving us special meals.

          "Um...Dude, could you come help me get prepared for my date with Amy tonight?" Shawn suddenly asks when we grab trays and get in line for our food. "I'm nervous as fuck and I don't want to ruin this."

     He rambles on and I gently shove him on the chest to get him to stop talking. "I can't believe you're making me do this but meet you by six?"

         His face breaks out in a grin and he bops his head with a nod. "Sounds good."

          The line gradually moves and Shawn and I switch to other topics while we await our turn. I'm about to be served when I hear a loud shriek from one of the girls in the cafeteria. My head snaps towards her direction and I catch almost the entire school glancing through the transparent glass wall which separated the inner cafeteria from the one beside the field.

       My brows lift up and I make my way towards the scene. I almost go out of mind when I catch the scene before me. Byron Tray stands there, looking all worn out and drained and just on his left cheek is a sharp, dirty drawing of the letter D. Just beside him is Raven, her pocket knife which was now drenched with what I assumed to be Byron's blood in her bloodstained hands. She doesn't flinch from her position as the entire school throws dirty, scary glares at her and murmur stuffs. Her short dark hair shadows her face and she lets out long heavy breaths.

         Taylor suddenly rushes in and just beside her is principal Ellie sauntering towards the scene in a power pant suit. "There she is! There's the sociopath."

      I heard Taylor yell.


        "He fucking touched me!" I scream for possibly the thousandth time since I got into this awfully designed office. "Was I supposed to just sit there and take it?!"

         Principal Ellie slams her palm loudly against her desk and uses that as a dramatic get up. "Miss Black, I believe I already told you the carriage and use of pocket knives are not allowed in the school building."

          "Who gives a fuck?!" I laugh hysterically, getting up as well. "I sure as hell was happy I had it on me so I could use it on the fucker."

          "Watch your language with me young woman." She warns, her eyes narrowing to slits.

          "Or what? You're going to suspend me? News flash! I don't care." I throw up my hands in frustration.

          "Ellie?" My dad suddenly walks into the office. He's still in his office suit and has his hands tucked away into the pockets of his dress pants. "I've got this."

         I pivot to fully face him and raise a challenging brow. "Here to say how wrong I was?"

          "Actually, I'd really like to meet this young man who put his hands on my daughter." My dad makes his surprising statement and I stare at him in awe.

         "I don't think you'd want to do that Trent." Principal Ellie informally addresses him and I take glances between the both of them.

          "Oh, we are most certainly sure we do." Jenna suddenly barges in wearing one of her good suits.

            Oh yeah, she is a lawyer.


      I successfully escape suspension, expulsion, detention and every other form of punishment the school could give me after Jenna exaggeratedly stated that she could have Byron taken to the higher authority for touching me the wrong way. But then again, she had to bargain with principal Ellie because I had literally grabbed my pocket knife and wrote the initial for dick on his face. He is a huge one.

       I sigh, shutting off my shower. Hopefully, washing off blood wasn't becoming a regular thing now. I make the usual go for shorts and an oversized tee before crawling into bed with a small yawn. The last thought on my mind before I fall asleep was my mom and I made sure to make a mental note to go visit her soon. Really soon.


      The loud sound of thunder jolts me up the next morning and I look out to see a heavy downpour of rain. Just perfect. I immediately shudder when my bare feet makes contact with the cold wood and I hurry myself to the bathroom to get a hot shower.

            "Oh my Gee, Raven, you look so cute," Jenna gushes when I step into the kitchen. I'm stuck wearing the school's sweater since it's freezing and my hair is actually nicely straightened and parted today. Some dumb part of me just hoped the heat from the straightening iron was going to radiate through my body.

      Jenna swiftly pulls out her phone and directs it towards me. "C'mon, let me get a picture." I immediately push my hand forward to obstruct the flash but it goes off anyway.

         "Can I just get breakfast?" I ask, rolling my eyes.

           Jenna ignores my question, staring at the pic she just took. "Honestly, you just made the pic a lot better, it looked like you were going for the phone. It's dope, check it."

          I give out a loud sigh and press my fingers against my temple. "Breakfast?"

          " we're out of some stuffs so there's not much to eat, I'd be sure to get grocery on my back from your school anyway." She finally replies me.

          "My school? Why the hell are you going to my school?"

         "To drop you off silly. It's pouring out."

      I let out a loud groan, going for an apple on the fruit bowl before stalking out of the kitchen.

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