Chapter 16 - Misdirection

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Madeline awoke to the smell of bacon, fresh and floating through the apartment. She could hear quiet conversation in the kitchen, meaning the others were already up. She tossed back the covers, rolling to the side of the bed. She was still wearing the clothes from last night's encounter in the forest, and the faint smell of woodsmoke clung to her skin. With it, came the memories. She could still hear the echoes of Aloysius's whispers in her ears, and she had a headache that refused to go away. Maybe it was an aftereffect of the pheromones that had infected her system...

The conversation in the other room continued, prompting Madeline out of her wondering. Joining in and getting some food seemed like a better option that just lazing around and feeling sorry for herself, so she pushed off the bed and onto her feet. Maybe some time with the others would take her mind off the Dryad's lingering presence in her brain.

"The whole place has been rebuilt over the years," she heard Abigail say as she walked through towards the kitchen, "Though it's still a safe haven for Koyane and his ilk."

"And he's still out of the country?" Akane asked, "When will he return?"

"He's still gone, and I have no idea where he is now or when he'll be back. Word on the grapevine is that Jun is holed up there. Sounds like a pretty good target, right?"

"Yes. We should take care of this quickly."

"My thoughts exactly."

"What are you taking care of?" Maddy asked, walking out of the hallway and into the kitchen.

"Another target," Akane answered, his hood pulled back for once, even if it was only as he ate.

"You're going after Jun?"

"Yes. We've killed enough of Tiamat's people for now; it's Koyane's turn."

Madeline was uneasy talking about her grandfather, but she pushed the feeling aside and continued. "What's the plan?"

"We'll take care of it Maddy," Abigail shook her head, speaking through a mouthful of toast. "You're sitting this one out."

"Oh," she replied, a little let down, "Okay. Where's Jun hiding out then? Is it far?"

"No, it's pretty close actually. Apparently, he's in the Imperial Palace."

"And you're just planning to waltz in there and kill him? The royal family is in there!"

"Security's going to be pretty tight, but it's not impossible. The Royal Family lives in the northern section of the complex, in the Fukiage Palace. Koyane, and therefore Jun, reside in one of three sanctuaries to the south, known as Shin-Den, The Sanctuary of the Kami. Security will still be incredibly tight, but not unbreachable. We should be able to get in and out without raising too much suspicion as long as we work fast."

"How long?"

"We shouldn't be gone for more than a few hours," Akane said between mouthfuls, "It's not that far into the city. Once we're done, we'll make sure we're not being followed and come straight back to make sure you're okay."

Abigail held out a plate stacked with toast, bacon and eggs, which Maddy took gratefully.

"Thanks guys," she said meekly, "I'm sorry that I can't do more to help out. Right now I just feel like deadweight."

"Don't worry about it," Akane dismissed, "You're already done the hardest part by freeing me. You've pulled your weight, now it's time for us to pull ours."

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