Missing | Chapter 14

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Alex was going to release the prisoner kept in Avalon's cellar. She had discussed the topic in a meeting with the druids and it was decided she should keep her memory. They agreed that she could be a valuable asset and didn't want to have any regrets. The woman was very cooperative and good natured, it seemed she wanted to help them. Alex walked down to the cellar where the prisoner was being kept. When Alex entered the woman stood up.

"So glad to be free!" She teased as Alex entered.

Alex gave a small smile back. She grabbed the keys hanging by the cellar door and unlocked the cell with a twist. 

"Adelaide will you consider staying in Valedale? You could be of extra help to us." Alex asked.

"I wouldn't mind at all! It's great to be apart of something. Would you mind if I watched the processes of things here?" The woman asked brightly, while a smile spread across her face.

"I'm sure it would be okay ... just make sure you get permission to watch." Alex replied hesitantly.

A while later, Adelaide was settled in Valedale and Alex decided to see her fellow soul riders. So, she headed up to the druid paddock. Sure enough Linda and Lisa were training together. Alex went over to them and and noticed Anne wasn't even in the area.

"Where's Anne?" Alex asked curiously as she approached.

"Not sure, the last time I saw her was yesterday. She left Avalon's house with me. It was after she had an encounter with Nicole. But I haven't heard anything from her." Lisa said with concern.

Linda looked curiously at them both, clearly lost in thought. 

Lisa and Alex both looked at her questioningly. Linda noticed and started forming what she was going to say.

"Well, yesterday I saw her near Silverglade and I asked her if she would join me for a trail ride the next day. She told me that she had a dressage practice planned and it was unavoidable if she planned to succeed. I said it wouldn't be long I just thought it would be a nice break, but she then said that she was going to be busy with Concorde all day." Linda looked at them both waiting for them to catch on.

"Um so what?" Alex said questioningly. 

"Well clearly neither of you are very attentive." Linda sighed. "Anne's horse has been in his stall all day, I asked Herman if he had seen her but he said she hadn't been around at all. Anne lied."

Lisa and Alex didn't know what to say. Linda and Meteor started riding away, then she quickly stopped and looked back at them.

"Hello! Let's go!" Linda shouted back at them.

Alex and Lisa quickly caught up to her. It didn't take to long to ride to Jorvik stables. They quickly got caught up in conversation about Anne. Once they arrived they all dismounted and tied their horses up outside. They walked in with their anxiety rising. Concorde greeted them as soon as they were in sight. He stomped his hooves and whinnied. Alex went over to him and gave him a pat. 

"See! He's still here! Its like he hasn't been out all day, he looks restless. Alex take him out to the paddock that way he can release some of his energy," Linda requested.

Alex did as she was told and lead Concorde out. Linda was once again lost in thought. Lisa looked in Concorde's stall. It looked like a receipt was laying in the corner of the stall, somewhat covered in some of Concorde's bedding. Lisa curiously went over to look at it. She picked it up and instantly recognized Anne's cursive writing.

"Linda! Look what I found!" Lisa said excitedly.

Linda jerked her head towards Lisa at the sound of her voice.

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