Another Day | Chapter 1

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It could have been another day for Alex, like any other, but it wasn't. She was walking to Jorvik stables to wait for her best friends, Linda, Lisa, and Anne. She smiled to herself, a few years ago she wouldn't have even known any of them, wouldn't have experienced anything. All the good times and everything they had accomplished together, but also the bad. Her smile became fainter. Elizabeth. She still felt the guilt, feeling she was the reason she died. She knew her friends disagreed, even the druids agreed that it was Elizabeth's and Alex's fate, that it was supposed to happen. But Alex didn't want to believe everything thing was set in stone. She wanted to make choices that weren't already "planned." But she hoped the druids were right about one thing, that better times were on the Horizon. She walked into Jorvik Stables and immediately heard Tin-Can whinny. She started running in anticipation to see her true best friend. Her fellow soul riders, were family, a sisterhood. But the bond between her and her horse Tin-Can was beyond words. Once she walked inside the stable, Tin-Can stomped his foot playfully as she brandished a carrot from her pocket.

 "Hey buddy!" He whinnied again, as she opened his stall door and stepped inside. She started brushing him down, preparing him for an early morning trail ride, she felt that she being the leader of the druids now, should make the sisterhood go on a trail ride. Though early, the girls all agreed happily and Alex was glad she could give them something to do. Jorvik seemed to be peaceful at the moment, she was starting to get bored. The druids told her that there was always a balance between light and dark and that new events will follow. Alex knew deep down that Jorvik's troubles would never end, and that even if it was peaceful now, it could change in a heartbeat. After it was decided she lead the druids, some felt she was too reckless and called out her immaturity and age. So, she decided she could show them what they were missing. She never missed a meeting, though most were boring and she often caught herself before falling asleep, and sometimes started thinking before she spoke. She felt more mature, but then she still had that spark of Alex with her.

 "Hey Alex!" Two familiar voices called in Unison. She turned around and smiled, Lisa and Linda were walking toward her. There arms full of tack and grooming supplies, and thin backpacks attached to them.

 "What took you guys so long? 10 minutes late!" Alex teased.

 Linda spoke, "Well I got so distracted reading that book Avalon gave me that when I finally looked at the time I realised I was only a few hours away from meeting you." Linda smiled, she did look tired, Alex thought it looked like she rolled out of bed. 

"I would have been earlier but I decided to see if Linda had left yet, turns out she hadn't even left her bed!" Lisa replied. They all laughed. 

"Any sign of Anne? I didn't get a mess-" Alex cut off. 

Anne was striding towards them from the family car, all the Von Blyssens used to get anywhere. She looked pristine as usual, but it was noticed she was starting to let her appearance slide. Maybe to rebel against her family, but Anne also looked happy. Maybe that was due to being freed from a crystal after years of being trapped in it. After being trapped for so long in another dimension Anne's appearance changed, no longer white clear skin with blonde hair. Now she had pink streaks running through her hair and pink tendrils imprinted forever on the left side of her face. At first she was subconscious about her look and tried to hide it under a hood, resembling Avalon at times. But now she embraced herself, becoming proud of who she was.

After the girls tacked up their horses, they climbed in the saddle and rode off. Jorvik was a beautiful island, the lifeline was from the horses. Lisa Peterson's life forever changed for the better when she moved to Jorvik, though she lost her mom, ever since she met Starshine her heart became whole again. And like all the soul riders, could not imagine living without her horse. The bond was beyond anything she could have imagined. 

Alex rode beside Linda, "had any premonitions lately?" Alex asked inquisitively. 

"No, more of a feeling really," she paused. "Well an unknown feeling, I just don't know how to explain, but I feel a change coming." Linda finished, she had a lost look in her eyes, as if she was missing something.

"Did it feel good, like the what the druids say may come?" 

"The most frustrating part of this is I can't tell. I've never dealt with something like this. It's almost like its still being worked out, that it still has a chance to change."

"But the druids say that our future is fate-" Alex was cut off.

"Alex, I know what the druids say, but truth be told, how do they really know?" Linda pointed out.

Lisa and Anne's conversation had stopped and they looked curiously ahead to where Linda and Alex were ahead of them. 

"Is something going to happen?" Lisa questioned. 

Linda stopped her horse Meteor and everyone else stopped as well. She fixed her glasses and looked at Lisa and then the rest of the girls. "I'm not sure, for the first time ever I will have to say, I guess we'll wait and see." Linda looked ahead of them and then urged Meteor on. 

A silence now followed them as they rode, understanding and worry filled it. Each held on to what Linda said, now feeling somewhat unprepared for what is to come. Alex wondered what this would mean for the soul riders and the druids, should she issue a meeting. She felt a weight of responsibly with her now that she was still adjusting too.

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