A year on

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Lilly's pov

"Hurry up, we don't have time for all this" Ginny said as she ran around the room "A glass of champagne for the bride" Pansy said, passing me the glass "Just the dress to get on you and your ready to walk down that isle!!" Ginny said "I can't believe it" I said, Pansy hurried me off to get changed. A knock hit the door "Pansy?" I questioned "Its Harry" he said "You know you can't see me! It's bad luck" I said, running to the door.

His hand slipped in, I grabbed it and I heard both of us sigh "I can't wait to be Lilly Potter..." I whispered "I can't wait either, I love you" he said, "I love you more" I whispered as I let go of his hand and pushed the door closed. I slipped into my dress, the elegant fabric cold against my skin. Staring at myself I noticed a small rock shaped object sitting on the desk "is that..." I whispered, holding it.

I remember Harry explaining how to use it so I closed my eyes and when I opened them my father stood infront of me "Daddy?" I said, my eyes filling with tears "Hello darling" he said, a proud smile in his face "you look beautiful my dear" he said, I grinned and done a twirl and he laughed "So you and potter then" he said "It was always going to me and Potter" I said, he nodded "You've done me proud my dear" he said "I just wish I had done more...I wish you could be walking me down the isle today" I said, a tear falling from eye

"Now now, none of that. Today's your special day. You done everything you could my dear, now before you go run off and make me prouder just know I love you" he said, "I love you more" I said as he disappeared. I smiled at the blank space before walking out to see the girls reactions "Look at you!" Ginny squealed "You look gorgeous" George said, I grinned "you ready?" Ginny asked, I nodded and we headed out the door

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Harry's pov

The music started and I could feel myself begin to tear up already, her bridesmaids slowly walked down and then I seen her. Her arm linked with Draco and George as they walked her down the isle towards me. Her hair was a washed out pink and her dress was stunning, she looked like an angel.

She stopped infront of me and I couldn't take my eyes off her, her hands linked with mine as I guided her up the steps. "Today is a special day....today we celebrate the love of a young couple who have faced many challenges together and came out much much stronger" Mcgonogal began "Who would like to start with their vows?" She asked, I looked at Lilly and she nodded to me. I coughed slightly as Ron passed me my vows and patted me in the back

"Lilly, 8 years ago I met you. You were this small blonde haired girl who looked terrified to be where she was, your eyes were the brightest blue I'd ever seen and they locked with mine straight away. Through the years we've had o ups and downs but I have never been more grateful to be standing in front of you than I am today. You mean the world to me Lilly Malfoy, with out you I wouldn't be who I was today. I love you" I finished, tears falling from both our eyes as Ginny gave her vows over

"Harry Potter, I had heard the rumours about you before I began hogwarts. The warnings and threats to stay away from you....but I couldn't. You were like a magnet, I couldn't pull away from. You've been my life line from day one, you've sat and cried with me, stayed up all night when I had bad dreams and showered me with love. You saved me from myself and I couldn't be more grateful. You are the best thing to ever happen to me, without you there would be no pint of living, you are my stars, my moon and my sun. I love you with everything I have" she cried, her hands linked with mine and I gave them a squeeze "The rings" mcgonogal said, wiping her eyes

"Do you, Harry James Potter. Take Lilly Andromeda Malfoy as your lawfully wedded wife till death do you part?" Mcgonogal asked "I do" I said, slipping on the ring "And do you Lilly Andromeda Ma-" "Yes yes yes!!" She cried with excitement as i slipped on the ring, the guests laughed as she jumped from one foot to another "with this spell I seal this marriage, I wish it to be filled with love and happiness for as long as they may live" Mcgonogal said, pointing her wand at our rings as gold spirals spun around us "You may kiss the bride" Mcgonogal said, I grinned and placed my hand on Lilly's cheek, dipping her down "I love you Lilly potter" I said as she grinned

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Lilly's pov

The rest of the day was amazing, just the way I dreamed it would be. I took myself away from the party and sat outside to look at the stars, a hand touching my shoulder remade me jump "Well, Mrs Potter" Draco said with a grin, sitting down beside me. I rested my head on his shoulder "This is where it begins" I whispered "what?" He asked

"Our lives, they start now..." I said with a smile "Yea...Yea they do" he said, smiling as well. We heard the group come out side and soon all 9 of us were huddled up together watching the stars. A certain one shining brighter than the others. It got dark quickly and I was outside when Harry approached "why hello mr Potter" I said as he walked towards me "Why hello Mrs Potter" he said with a grin, taking my hand in his "call me that again, it's like music to my ears" I said with a smile "we did it" he said "did what?" I asked "we get our happy ending, we finally got it" he said. I grinned at him "this is only the beginning of our lives Harry. We got our happy beginning" I said, he smiled and leaned in for a kiss, my arms went around his neck as his hands sat at my face.

"I have one more surprise" I said, I lifted my bag and pulled out a test "Is that a..." he began "I found out this morning" I said with a grin "A...a baby....I'm gonna be a dad!" He said jumping around like a child, he grabbed me and began to spin me around "I love you!" He cried "I love you too" I said with a smile as he held me up.

And for the first time in my life, I knew everything was going to be okay. With Harry by my side I knew my life was complete.

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