Promise me

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Lilly's pov

It was 3:00am, from what I knew no change in my father sentence was made. I couldn't sleep, my mind just continued to go in circles. I got up and got changed, pulling on jeans and a jumper before going into Harry and Ron's room. I tip toed in and noticed Harry awake "what's wrong?" he whispered "come with me" I said, grabbing his invisibility cloak and leading him out. When we got downstairs he began to talk "what are we doing?" He asked "I need you do to do something for me and please don't question me" I began "I need you to sneak me into the ministry, like now" I said "Lilly you know I can't do that" he said, "you've done it before, we've done it before! Harry please" I begged

" I'm not doing this" he said. My eyes met his and I could feel tears began to start "p-please....?" I said. He looked at me, and grabbed me holding me tight "you know I would if I could" he said kissing the top of my head. I pulled away and looked at him "Harry, this might be the last time I see my father alive. I need to speak to him...I need him to know why I lied and fought against him I need him to know I love him" I cried.

Harry only stared before taking my hand in his and apparating into the empty corridor we took in my 4th year of Hogwarts. We wrapped the cloak around us and made our way to the jail block. When we got there, I checked the coast was clear and found my fathers room. The cells were made of glass, and had no doors to them. My father looked to be asleep when I seen him, Harry stood back keeping guard.

"Dad?" I whispered, he didn't move "'s Lilly" I whispered, a couple of seconds later he sat up. His eyes were poofy and red and he looked tired "how did you get in here" he said, "it doesn't matter" I replied "do you know if they changed the sentence?" He asked. My eyes widened and i nodded no, he fell back "I'm so sorry" I said, my voice failing "you didn't do this, why are you sorry" he questioned

"I wasn't the daughter I should of been, I should of asked to be in Slytherin. I should of stayed by your side when you needed me....I should of walked over to you when I had the chance" I said, I could hear Harry move slightly and my father noticed too "who's with you?" He asked "no one" I replied. He only nodded before beginning to speak "you were a good girl growing always put Draco in his place. We knew you'd never be a were to brave and confident. We never ever wanted you and Draco to have to pick sides but I'm glad you picked the right one and aren't in my position dear"

placing his hand on the glass, I put mine on too and his eyes began to fill with tears "when you didn't walk towards us I was glad. It meant you didn't have to deal with the hate and criticism. It meant you were doing right and blurring out mine and your mother's mistakes" he said, a tear ran down my cheek "you are going to do so much good in this world my dear, you are going to change the world with your magic. For merlins sake you are the youngest ever wizard to be able to do wandless magic. You most definitely are the most powerful Malfoy to ever live" he said, a small smile gracing his face

"when tomorrow comes, do not cry, promise me you won't cry. I need you to be strong for your mum and brother" he said "I won't, I promise. I'll be strong" I said, trying to reassure myself "I know you will" he said "you may go now, before you or mister Potter gets in trouble" he said, my eyes widened "how..?" I questioned "his glasses are reflecting off the glass" my father said. I laughed slightly

"now leave before a guard comes" my father said as I stood up "I love you dad" I said, tears running down my face "I love you too my dear" he said as I walked over to Harry "and mister Potter" he said, Harry turned to him "keep her safe" he said "always" Harry replied. Before wrapping us both in the cape and leading us out.

I stood outside the execution room in my best dress, cloak and witches hat. Harry on one side and my mother and brother on the other. I felt numb as I stared into the glass windows and saw the white chair and restraints. My arm tightly wrapped around Harry's as my mother squeezed my hand before leading her and Draco into the room to see my father one last time. Harry and I stood in silence, I thought over the words my father had said to me last night

'Don't cry' repeated itself in my head like a song lyric. As my mother walked out after her 5 minutes she had tears in her eyes and a tissue in her hand "he'd like to see you dear" she said. I looked at Harry and let go of him before walking in "Lilly..." he said as I opened the door "hello daddy" I said, sitting beside him "you look so grown up...." he said as he looked at my outfit "well Malfoy must look their best" I replied with a small smile. He laughed and held my hand

"I seem to have let you grow up and not realised it, I should have took some time to watch you become the young women you are" he said, a tear running down his face. I rubbed it away "it's fine....I know if you could of you would have" I said. He looked so pale, "you'll keep our promise won't you?" He asked. I could feel the tears already coming g and took a deep breath "I will" I said. "Miss Malfoy, times up" the guard said. I nodded and turned to my father, placing a kiss on his forehead

"Lilly I'm scared" he said, he looked so fragile. Like he could break with a single touch when he said those words "I know daddy....but it'll all be over soon and you'll be safe....I promise" I said standing up "I love you dear" he said "I love you too dad.." I whispered to him before walking out and taking my place beside Harry. "Harry?" I said "yes love?" He asked quietly "cover my eyes" I said "what?" He questioned "I promised him I wouldn't cover my eyes until it's all over...please" I said. He nodded and cast a spell over my eyes so I couldn't see.

I held his hand tightly as I heard the screams of my father, my mother and brothers cry's in the background. I held my eyes tightly closed until things fell silent, until my mothers grip on my hand loosened. Until doors opened and shut, then the spell was lifted, I looked into the glass box and seen nothing but an empty chair and restraints "thank you" I said to Harry before walking away. I found a small dark corridor and fell against the wall tears flowing down my face as I hit the ground. I promised him I wouldn't let him see my cry, I kept that promise.

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