1st year

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Lilly's pov

I remember Draco telling us he was put in Slytherin so I expected I would be too. But when that hat was placed on my head and shouted Gryffindor I near passed out, my eyes met Draco's who were only filled with a kind of disgust but concern as well. After the sorting i ran over to him "Draco" I shouted after him, he stopped and so did carbbe and goyle "Draco what am I meant to do! Mum and dad will kill me" I said "I don't know Lilly" he said

"Draco I don't want them to hate me but I know they will" I cried "Lilly go to bed, we'll deal with this in the morning okay?" He said, I nodded. Tears streaming down my face as I panted for breath. I walked my way to the common room that I was shown earlier and opened the door. Some noticed my tears but turned their backs. I sat in a small corner of the room, trying to think of how I'll tell my parents about this. But then two bubbly ginger boys bounced over my direction "what's with the tears young lion?" One said, pulling rainbow tissues out of his sleeve which made me laugh "my parents are going to hate me...." I said "and why's that?" The other ginger asked

"I know you know my name, as I know yours. You're the Weasley twins and I'm a Malfoy. To be completely honest I'm shocked you are talking to me" I said "sure, we are who we are but we don't know anything about you apart from your family. If you were put in this house then we share something similar. Just because your parents might not accept you...if you show everyone the real type of person you are then I would like to think this house would accept you" they said

"why don't we do proper introduction yea? Then we'll bring you over too 3 people i think will make you feel better" one of the boys said "I'm Fred, and this George and you are?" Fred asked "Lilly...Lilly Malfoy" I said with a small smile "well Lilly malfoy, let us introduce you too three young wizards" George said, leading me over too 3 people I heard far too much about "Hermione, Harry, Ron, this young lady here is feeling a tad upset about being sorted into Gryffindor and I was hoping you three would be kind enough to cheer her up" Fred said "Of course" Hermione said, sitting down beside me

"I'm Hermione granger, that's Ron Weasley and that is Harry Potter" she said, I looked over at Harry who had a tinge of redness on his cheeks "you're related to Malfoy aren't you?" Ron asked "I am...but we are quite different" I said. They nodded "so you're Harry Potter. I heard a lot about you and your friends over the summer. Well more about how much my brother dislikes you all" I said with a bit of a laugh "we aren't the biggest fan of him either" Ron said

"he really is sweet, he's just far too much like our father" I said "umm, I brought some sweets with me if you'd like one?" I asked. Ron nodded his head enthusiastically as I passed the packet over too him. We all made small talk until it was time for bed "thank you for talking with me, it really helped" I said too them "no problem, we understand" Hermione said. I nodded and followed the other first years up to the dorm. I made a quick bond with Ginny Weasley and a couple of the others girls who didn't see me like my brother.

I woke up to an alarm that one of the other girls must have set. It was a Saturday so I went and picked some clothes out of case before running downstairs "so how was your first night?" Fred asked me "it was good in the end, but I've to meet my brother so I'll chat with you later. Bye oh and thank you for last night. You and you're brother really helped me!" I said as I rushed out. As I walked the confusing halls I seen Draco on his way too breakfast

"Draco!" I shouted, running up and hugging him "How was your first night in Hogwarts?" He asked "it was good, I made some friends" I said "have you wrote to mum and dad yet?" He asked "not yet, I'm scared of what will happen if they find out what house I've been placed in" I said "it's not normal for a Malfoy to he placed in Gryffindor, but I'm sure they won't react as badly as you think" Draco said as we reached the great hall doors "obviously you haven't met our parents" I said as I walked away.

After breakfast I decided to go to my head of house for some advise, I knocked on the door and wa sort in "And who are you my dear" Professor mcgonogal asked "My names Lilly Malfoy Professor, I was hoping I could ask you for some help" I said, as she ushered me to a seat "of course, what can I help with?" She asked "you see, obviously it's not very normal for a Malfoy to be sorted into Gryffindor and if I'm completely honest my father and mother are not always the most caring people. I'm afraid to tell them" I said "why don't you wait until you speak to them face to face, maybe over Christmas?" She said "that would be too far away, I think they'd pick up on something and contact the school" I said

"well dear, the only advise I can truly offer is this. You were placed in this house because you have the traits that this house values....your parents both know that it is no personal choice in the house that you are placed in so if they have an issue with it...really the only person they can argue with is the sorting hat" she said, I let out a giggle and she smiled "be proud of who you are my dear...embrace it" she said "thank you professor....this really helped" I said before leaving, no fear left about telling my parents and a smile on my face.

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