2 months later

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Lilly's pov

Harry responded to the letter I sent in may a couple of weeks ago and we were meeting today. I changed into a black pinafore and a red T-shirt. I wrapped my Gryffindor cloak round me and grabbed my wand and purse before walking out "where are you going?" My aunt asked "out to grab a few things, ummm....I thought I'd make dinner for everyone tonight" I said "we had house elves for that" father said "yes, but I'm sure the dark lord would love something made by one of us" I said "she has a point..." he said before letting me floo away.

I landed on the carpet of a shop in muggle London. The store was owned by a witch who led me out the side door, Harry was meant to be waiting for me there. When I walked out he was, "you might want to loose the cloak" he said "oh yes" I said, putting it in my bag. I openly wore it so my parents believed I was heading to diagon ally. He lead us to a little coffee shop in the middle of the town, we each grabbed a drink and sat down

"so.." he said "so.." I replied "what do you know?" He asked "apparently they want to attack the ministry in the next couple of days, they seem to have the numbers but I don't believe he'll go through with it, I think it may be something so he knows who are ready to commit to him" I said, sipping the muggle drink Harry had got me "this tastes weird" I said putting it down, he smiled slightly "it's coffee" he replied "why is it so bitter?" I asked "you can add sugar if you want" he said, handing me some packets.

I added it and stirred before trying to again "much better" I sighed "so he wants to attack the ministry?" Harry said "yes but I don't know if he will, there's another meeting tonight but I don't know if I'll be invited to attend" I said "what do you mean?" Harry questioned "well after....that thing that happened he invited me to the meetings he holds. Every now and then he'll ask me to come and then hold me back to ask me silly questions" I said "like what?" "I don't know, he asked if we were a thing....I told him if we were it was over" I replied "is it over?" Harry asked

"I thought it was....even at that I hardly doubt me telling him that I'm head over heels for the boy he wants to kill is a good game plan do you?" I said, he nodded no and I stared at him "do you hate me?" I asked "what?" He questioned "do you hate me?" I said again "of course not!" He replied "then...why did it take two months to reply?" I questioned "I was...I was angry" he said "Harry if you knew why I done it you wouldn't be" I said "then tell me!" He said, I looked at him and turned my head

"I...he...I said I'd be a part of this because he wanted to kill the Weasleys, and I couldn't let him so I said I'd do what I was told....I'll become a puppet in his games as long as he stays away from them. I couldn't let him kill them Harry ....I love them" I said, a tear running down my cheek "come here" he said pulling me around the table and hugging me "I'm sorry Harry it's went this way" I cried "I tried everything to get out of it" "shh, it's fine...we'll get through this" he replied, I nodded before looking up

"you wouldn't happen to know where I could get food stuff would you?" I asked "why?" He replied with a small laugh "to get out I told my parents I was going to prepare a meal for the family and him. But I obviously don't know where to get them" I said. He laughed before leading me out and taking me round the shops to get stuff before bringing me back to the shop I flooed from

"we aren't going to be able to keep in contact..." harry said "no we aren't are we" I said with a sigh "you know, the night you left you said something" he said "what did I say?" I asked "you said you loved me" he said back, I blushed slightly "I did, didn't I" I said "did you mean it?" He asked "100%" I replied, he kissed me, it was only short but my heart was beating faster than t ever had before "I love you too, Lilly Malfoy" He said

"Whenever we see each other again...promise me you'll save me" I said stepping into the fire "always" he said as I went up in flames, a familiar setting showing up "looks who's came to join us" my father said I stepped out of the fire "my lord, how nice of you too come. I was just going to make a meal, I would love if you could join us" I said, he smiled a creepy smile and nodded. Everyone was scared to talk to him this way, as if he was a normal person. He isn't normal but I'm also not scared, I prepared the meals and the house elves helped me bring it out

"I hope you like it, I know you don't eat very often as you don't really have too but I prepared a meal I read you liked when you were younger" I said setting his plate in front of him "I also have some water or if you want pumpkin juice" I said setting both down in front of him "thank you" voldemort said as we began to eat. The others kept their eyes on him as we ate, scared to make any sudden movements. After the meal he turned to me "thank you" He said "my pleasure, my lord" I said "I would like for you to attend the meeting tonight, it's a big one and snape himself will be attending" Voldemort said

I looked at the others before nodding. Taking the plates out to he washed "you'll need to change out of that" my father said "of course dad, I'll go up and change now" I said, he nodded. When I got to my room my mother stood out from the corner "Mum! You scared me" I said with a jump "why do you speak to him like that" my mother asked "speak to him like what?" I questioned "like he couldn't kill you in a second" she said, I was going through clothes in my wardrobe showing her and asking for her approval

"because I'm not scared mum" I said "you should be....wear that" she replied before walking out. I watched her leave before changing, the letter I send after this meeting will be the last time I speak to Harry for god knows how long.

"I will need a wand..." Voldemort spoke as we sat round the table "Lilly....let me see yours" he said, I pulled it from my pockets "what is it..." he asked "poplar wood with a Phoenix feather core, 12 3/4 and rigid flexibility" I replied "a nice wand but no....it won't do" he said placing it back in my hands and moving on, I sighed a sigh of relief. He continued before someone was brought on, my hand reached up to my mouth as Professor Burbage was brought out. Draco lowered it as Voldemort came into view again

"charity burbage....teaches muggle studies in Hogwarts" Voldemort said, there was sound of disgust and mocking "snape please.....we are friends" she cried "silence!" Voldemort shouted before killing her. A tear ran down my cheek as her life less body hit the table, the meeting was ended. I ran upstairs and threw up, the look in Professor Burbages face still running round my head.

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