Slughorns party

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Lilly's pov

"Dean and me are still fighting...I'm afriad he'll break up with me" Ginny said as we sat in the courtyard "bring him too that party slughorns hosting, maybe you just both need some time to have a bit of fun" I said with a smile "yea you're right" she said with a nod. "How's your brother and his puppy" I said with a laugh "she won't stop following him around, it's almost like she's obsessed" Ginny said "but he's her won won" I laughed sending us both into a fit of giggles "what's so funny?" Dean asked walking over

"oh nothing, I'm assuming you two will want some time so I'll leave" I said getting up "ya know dean you're gonna have to start scheduling time to see her because I'm missing out on precious bestfriend time!" I said with a smirk "oh I do apologies, I'll be sure she makes it up" he said before I walked away. I headed to the room of requirements and found my brother already in there "any luck?" I asked, standing beside the vanishing box "not one bit" he said, I hugged him and he hugged me tighter

"this isnt what our lives were meant to be like" he said with a sigh, turning back to the box. He had to do this task on his own, but no one said I couldn't keep him company and make it easier. We stayed in their till dinner "I'll bring you food up" I said ruffling his hair and walking out. I walked by myself to dinner but was pulled down a corridor that was mostly empty "what are you doing tomorrow night?" Harry asked "nothing...why?" I questioned "let's go to slughorns Christmas party" he said "really?" I asked "yea it'll be fun" he said "sure, I'd like that" I said with a smile, he wrapped his arm round my shoulders and we walked to the great hall.

"Wow, Professor the places looks amazing! Definitely feels like Christmas in here" I said walking in with Harry "t..thank you my dear" he said. We walked over and grabbed drinks before going the rest of the party. I got caught up in conversation with Blaise Zabini so Harry went looking for Hermione, but when I seen her run out of the curtains and Flanagan run in I knew I had to watch. But of course the show was stopped earlier when filch came out of no where holding my brother by his colar.

I looked at Harry and then at snape who gave me a glare "I'll take care of him" snape said, grabbing him. I quickly followed out attempting not to be noticed, snape flung us round the corner "you stupid boy!" He said "now I'm meant to be protecting you! If you need something for your task you ask" snape spat "I don't need your help!" Draco shouted "Be more careful or you'll get caught...the both of you" he said looking at me. He stormed off, and I turned my attention to Draco wiping away his tears of anger

"we still have time Drake...we'll get it done" I said "you aren't even meant to be helping me, you'll get yourself killed" he said taking the tissue from me "I'd rather die than let you die" I said. He calmed himself down before walking to his dorm, I leant against the wall and turned my head in the direction of the party, I noticed a familiar pair of green eyes watching and my eyes widened. I began walking towards then and they vanished, when I turned the corner no one was there "fuck fuck fuck" I said, he knows...he'll know. I calmed myself down and fixed my makeup before sliding back into the party and finding Harry "hey!" I said walking over, a smile on my face "hey where did you go?" He asked, but his face said something else

"I just got too warm, needed a couple minutes to cool down. Let's go dance" I said, leading him over to the dance floor as a slow song played. I wrapped my arms round his neck and his went on my waist, I could see it in his face he was trying to put pieces together but left it and just danced.

"He's definitely a deatheaters" I heard Harry say from the empty common room, it was 1am and I was going down to get a drink when I heard voices "I still think your insane, there's no way" Hermione said "I heard snape and him talking about finishing a task" harry said, my hand went over my mouth....he did hear "and how does Lilly fit into any of this?" Ron said "I don't know...I don't think she does...I hope she doesn't. Maybe she should stay with use over the summer Ron, her home isn't safe" Harry said "we don't know that!" Hermione said "we need to be careful with this...we can't go round assuming" she said again. I decided to ditch the drink and go back upstairs.

If this gets out it's not my life on the line it's Draco's. When I woke up the next morning it I didn't feel the same, I felt depressed. I dragged myself out of bed and into my unirform before grabbing my bag wand walking down to my first class, ditching breakfast and spending the 30minutes in the room of requirements before heading to potions "hey how come you weren't at breakfast?" Ginny asked "wasn't hungry, I went for a walk instead" I said, she nodded and we headed to slughorns. The rest of the day went by slowly, my mood went down quite a bit with it. Well that was till Harry showed up

"Hey Malfoy" he said sitting beside me in the library "hey Potter" I said back "I really enjoyed last night" he said, a goofy smile on his face "I did too" I said with a smirk "I heard over the summer Ginny was gonna see if you wanted to stay with them for a while. I'll be there" he said with a wink, I laughed "I'd love too....but I heard father talking about maybe going on a holiday" I said with a fake smile "oh'll still come round won't you?" He asked "of course" I said with another fake smile before turning away from him and going back to my book holding in the tears.

He rubbed my back before getting up and leaving, when I seen him walk out I let the tears go. When dinner hit I went up the room of requirements "it's working!" Draco said "what?" I said running up "we'll sort of, I'm only able to teleport small things'll still take some work to get actually people in" he said "oh Draco that's amazing!" I said hugging, but then we both froze "wait no...that's not amazing....that's...oh merlin" I said. I was counting how long he had left to finish it. Christmas break started next week, which we both had to stay here for, then he had till March "Draco you know what this means" I said "yea I do...but. It's what was asked so it's what will happen" he said, I nodded slowly before looking over the spell book he'd been was only a matter of time before things got worse.

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