The war

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Lilly's pov

The shield was broke and deatheaters flew around the place, curses and spells being shouted was all I could hear. The shield had broke about an hour ago and we still had some first years left to get home. I was left in charge of the last group, I ran them up the stairs and up to the headmasters office were they were quickly flooed home. When i ran out I could see the room of requirements walls opening and three brooms came flying out.

I ran over and saw as they collapsed on the floor, a boy with blond hair looked up and met my eyes. He jumped to his feet and ran my way, I met him halfway and he hugged me "I'm so glad youre safe" Draco said, hugging me tight "I'm fine I promise" I replied "we need to get out of here" he said, trying to pull me away. I could feel the stares of the three behind me burning into my skull "I can't....this is my fight too. Draco tell mum and dad I love them" I said pulling my hand away from his and linking it with Hermiones who stood behind me "Lilly don't do this" he said as we went running away "LILLLYYY!" He screamed, his voice filled with pain as I kept running.

I ran into the courtyard and the place was mental, I shot curse after curse not looking were it was going until I bumped into Ginny. We stood back to back, hands linked as we shot more curses. We stayed close together until morning started to show and things became quieter, we walked into the great hall and towards her family until we noticed they were standing over someone. My face fell as Ginny ran over and stood over Fred, tears filled my eyes as Ron approached with Hermione.

I turned and seen Harry whos face went cold, I walked over "this isn't your fault" I said, my eyes still on Fred "yes it is, all of it. I'm going to that forest" Harry said "No you are not! He'll kill you!" I said "I'll find you later I promise" he said running off "Harry!" I cried but he didn't listen. My face was covered in tears as I left the Weasleys and found a quiet place to think, Hermione and Ron soon joining me. I hugged Ron tight, whispering sorry in his ear a million times before we all sat in silence.

Footsteps shook us out of the silence, I looked up and Harry stood behind us "I'm going to the forest" he said, Ron only looked at him and hugged him. Hermione begged to go with him "youre my best friend" she cried as he held her close. I turned away, my eyes filled with tears I failed to hold in "Lilly.." he said turning me round "I can't loose you again" I said, my hands on his face "you won't" he said. My forehead hit his and I cried, he lifted my chin up and kissed me, it was short but meaningful "I love you so much" he said letting go, I stepped back into Ron's arms as he walked away. Tears falling down my face as my glued to Harry "He'll be fine, he's Harry Potter" Ron said, I nodded slowly and hugged Ron tighter.

I followed Neville out of the castle and saw a crowd approach just as the rest of the castle stepped out "who's that Hagrids holding?" I questioned to anyone who could hear me "Neville...who is it?" I repeated as Ginny stood beside me "HARRY POTTER IS DEAD" voldemort shouted "NOOOOOOOO" I screamed, trying to run towards him but being pulled back. "Now is the time to join us....or die" Voldemort said. My eyes scanned the crowd of death eaters and fell on my parents as they stepped out of the crowd

"Draco...Lilly" my father said. We made eye contact and stayed put. He called our names again and then our mother did. Draco looked at me again before walking towards them, I looked at Ginny "we won't hate you if you go.....they're your family" Ginny said as the other agreed "Lilly" my mother said. I looked at her and then at Harry's lifeless body. "No. I'm staying here" I said "but.." my mother stated "she's made her decision...leave her be." Voldemort said, his voice filled with disgust.

Neville then stepped forward "no..."Ginny gasped falling into me. "Harry may be dead but he lives in all of us, in here" he said pointing to his heart "and you'll be killed!" He shouted just as Harry jumped down. I screamed with excitement and began shooting curses, I shot a protection curse around Harry as Voldemort began shooting. Just then I noticed my parents leaving I dropped it, running after them.

"Mum!! Dad!" I cried as I caught up with them "I'm sorry...I can't leave them" I said "we know" my mother said, drying my tears "we love you" my father said. I only nodded as they walked away. I looked back at the fight and ran into it shooting curses at as many death eaters I could. The rest seemed to be a blur, time just sped through until everything just stopped. The curses stopped being thrown, the screaming became a small ringing noise in some peoples ears and Voldemort was dead.

When I walked into the castle I could see groups of people huddled together, nurses cleaning and healing peoples wounds. I passed the Weasleys and smiled. Everyone was with a friend or there family and I just sort of hovered, my eyes running round the room looking for the green eyes I so longed to see. "Lilly!" A voice called from the other end of the hall. I turned around and my eyes met his, I began running at him as he did the same.

We crashed in a hug in the middle of the room, tears welling in my eyes as I held him tight. He pulled apart, his hands on my face examining me as if to see if I was really there "I'm so glad you're okay, I was so worried" he cried "I'm okay now that I know you are" I said, wiping away a tear  he had let fall "I love you" he said, giving me a kiss and then pulling me into another hug, he held on tight as if I was going to disappear "I love you more" I said, kissing the top of his head and holding onto him. The war was over....we were finally safe.

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