5th year

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Lilly's pov.

"How come you didn't find me?" Ginny said as I got off the train "oh...I..I was tired, I wouldn't have been much fun" I said with an awkward smile. She looked worried but brushed it off and walked me towards the others "I heard snape was the dark arts teacher this year" I said "yes he is" Hermione said "then who's teaching us potions?" I questioned "umm professor slughorn I think he's called" Ginny said, I nodded. As we walked into the castle I sat down "he's been gone an awful long time"

"there he is" Ron said "he's bleeding...why is he always covered in blood" I sighed as he sat down "we need to talk later" Harry said to me, he looked annoyed "what am I in trouble?" I said with a laugh. He didn't look happy "right okay, black lake after?" I asked, he nodded and I went back to my food.

"So what's up?" I asked as I sat by the lake "I..I need to ask you something?" He said "yea?" I said "is...is your brother or you death eaters?" He questioned, I jumped up "How dare you!" I cried "I seen you enter a suspicious shop over summer" he said "so what now you're stalking my family!?" I questioned "Lilly calm down" he said getting up and grabbing my hands "I can't believe you Harry" I said "okay I mis-judged I'm sorry" he said, I pulled my hands from his and sat down again

"Lilly..." he sighed, sitting beside me "Harry promise me you'll never bring up deatheaters or anything like that towards me again...the subject is upsetting" I said, he nodded and I turned back to the lake. "The waters pretty tonight" I said "yea it is" he said "how was your summer?" I asked him "it's was....okay, you?" He asked "it was okay too" I said looking at him, my ice blue eyes couldn't look away from his bright green ones no matter how hard I tried. "You know....I've been meaning to tell you something" he said "yea what's that?" I asked "I...I.."

I didn't let him get his sentence out but instead kissed him, it was short and he quickly pushed away "what?" I asked, my voice filled with nerves "I..i don't know...I don't know why I done that" he said with an awkward laugh going back in and kissing me, I smiled my hand on his cheek. I pulled away with the biggest smile on my face "so that happened..." I said "yea..it did" he replied "is that a good thing?" I asked "it's a brilliant thing" he said kissing me again.

It was the first quidditch tryouts/practise of the year. I was a permanent chaser so I stood by Ginny who also was a chaser. As Harry tried to talk none of the team would be quiet, I looked over at Ginny who nodded "SHUT IT" we both shouted, the team stood in shock and Harry covered his ears "thanks girls" he said. He got on with explaining everything and then we were up in the air, we played a couple games to try pick a new keeper. I couldn't stand that Flanagan, he done my head in and he doesn't stop flirting with like everyone.

He was disgusting. Ginny kept looking over and smiling at dean, it was cute she was all loved up. I took my eye off the ball for a minute as I looked over in her direction and ended up getting hit with it. I went flying down "Lilly!" Ginny shouted, trying to get her wand out but Hermione already had it sorted as she levitated me back on my broom "thanks Hermione!" I shouted over and flying back up. "Rons doing really well" I said too Harry "yea he is, he's defiantly the new keeper no doubt about it. We'll need to do a team vote so grab the others" I nodded calling the others over, we made our decision before telling Ron he had got the place.

Flanagan flew down and chucked his broom before walking into the changing rooms "someone's moody" I said with a laugh flying round the team. I flew down and got changed, wrapping my cloak round me and putting my broom in the shed "hey" Harry said "hey" I said as I walked on, he sped up with me "ya know....umm our kiss last week it was...it was good" he said "it was" I said, trying to hide my smile "maybe we should talk about that" he said "maybe...but not right now, I heard you have your special slughorn dinner thing to attend so I'm going to go and dress my bestie up. But I'll see you later?" I said, he nodded and I skipped along turning round to see him watching.

"You nervous Ron?" I said sitting down beside Hermione "so nervous I can't even eat" he replied "trust me, get something to eat. Doing this on an empty stomach isn't the best idea" I said, he nodded and ate his toast but the faces he was making definitely showed he was not happy about it. I smiled and got up, walking over to my brother "hey.." I said "what? Don't you have to be out stretching or something" he said, getting up "Draco please!" I cried, chasing after him "please don't drift away from me" I begged "go, you'll see me in the stands" he said walking away rubbing his arm, I kicked the wall before walking out to the quidditch changing rooms.

I got myself ready and grabbed my broom, I got it sent to me by aunt andromeda. I hadn't told my parents I had been keeping in contact with her when others asked I said they bought it for me "coming out into the field.....GRYFFINDOR" the referee shouted, we flew out and heard the shouts and cheers of our classmates. I smiled as we flew around the pitch, I put my hand out to some first years who had theirs out waiting for high fives. We flew into position as Slytherin hit the pitch.

The game began and was automatic tension but Slytherin didn't stand a chance. By halftime Harry had already spotted the snitch and Ron hadn't let a single goal past him yet, finally Harry caught the snitch and Gryffindor were announced the winners. I flew over to Ron "Ron that was bloody brilliant!" I shouted "You were amazing mate!" Harry said. When we got down the team was carrying Ron on their shoulders and the party started, I danced around and spotted Harry in the corner "come on Potter, let's dance" I said, grabbing his hand. I pulled him over and we danced for what seemed like forever until we heard lavender brown come down the stairs, she ran straight to Ron and kissed him.

We both started to laugh but Hermione moved from beside us "Harry.." I whispered pointing to the empty space beside us "I'll go find her, this dance isn't over" he said "better not be" I said letting go of his hand and joining Seamus and a couple others. When Harry did come back with Hermione she went straight up to her dorm "is she okay?" I asked "she'll be fine, what about our dance" he said "oh yes, I forgot" I said pulling him into the crowd, the party was still going strong as we danced round the room. He looked around, and I could see sadness in his eyes "what is it?" I asked "nothing, just
happy that's all"

I knew he was lying but didn't question it. "Ya know we never got to talk about that kiss" he said "oh really?" I asked, "why not skip the talking and go straight back to this" I said, kissing him. It took him a second but he reacted back to the kiss, the room felt empty. Just the two of us in it, when he pulled away there was shout and pats on the back around him and I. I laughed wrapping my arm round his waist. "Tonight's been amazing harry" I said "yes it has" he replied with a smile

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