A break

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Lilly pov

"Closer to home we go" I said jumping on the train, Harry placed our bags in the over head compartments before finding us a cabin to sit "this ones free" he said leading us in. We sat down and I laid down, resting my head on his chest, his hands ran through my hair as we talked, waiting on the others to join us. "Did you have a good Christmas?" I asked him "it was brilliant...you?" He questioned. I looked up and met his green eyes "it was the best Christmas I've ever had" I said with a smile.

He leant down and gave me a kiss and just then hermione enters with draco, they looked nervous "what up?" I asked, sitting up. "We have something to tell you" hermione said sitting down in front of me and harry "We need you to keep this to yourselves, I beg you" she said "Your worrying me" Harry said "we were gonna wait until everything was sorted but we couldn't hide it from you both any longer....Me and draco are dating" hermione blurred out. My eyes widened and I could feel the excitement rush through me "yaaayYYYYY!!" I shouted, diving at them both

"Oh my merlin thank god!" I said, my hands reaching dracos face "you're not gonna be alone and living in my attic thank god!" I cried with joy "Alright calm down" Harry said pulling me down beside him, the smile not leaving my face "how long?" Harry asked "since Halloween" draco said. I looked at Harry and could see his unsureness but he forced a smile "I'm happy before you both" he said giving them both a hug "thank you, both of you for being so supportive. We love you both" they both said before getting up and leaving. "Hehe" I giggled "what?" Harry asked "I'm gonna be bridesmaid at their wedding" I said with the biggest grin, he only laughed kissing my cheek and turning to the book he'd brought.

"Oh the smell of the common room, I've missed it" I said walking in "give it a week and you'll wish you didn't have to smell it" seamus said with a laugh "don't you ruin this for me" I replied with a giggle, I jumped on the sofa beside the boys who were trying the new jellybeans George had brought out "give us one then" i said with a grin, with a smirk on his face Harry handed me a red one. I popped it in my mouth and seconds later felt heat build up in my mouth, when I opened my mouth a flame came out.

It only lasted a second but I screamed, the boys laughed as I grabbed my water "that was cruel!" I said to Harry slapping his arm as he laughed. They finished their box and went upstairs, Harry kissed me goodnight as I sat with Ginny. "So..." Ginny said "what?" I asked with a laugh "how's everything with you and Harry...you know since that whole big thing from before Christmas?" She asked "it's been good, he's been supportive but he's still against me going out and looking for her" I said

"you've only her photo to find now don't you?" Ginny asked "yea that's all, and then maybe we'll find something out" I replied with a sigh, she rubbed my arm "we'll find her...you know we will" Ginny said grabbing me into a hug but it was quickly interrupted by the sound of fighting coming from the boys dorm. We ran upstairs and opened the door to see Harry and Ron on the floor and seamus and dean trying to pull them off each other

"What the hell is going on up here?!"Ginny asked "the younger boys are sleeping, can you keep it down!" I shouted, as I walked over. I gripped both boys by their arms and flung them to either side of the room. "Damn she's stronger than I thought" dean said as he walked over to Ginny "what the hell?" I questioned "he started it!" Ron spat "what age are you? Three? No? Then wise the fuck up, get your asses downstairs and shut up. Seamus, can you please make sure they didn't wake any of the first-third years up? They've all an exam in the morning" I said, as me, dean and Ginny brought the other two downstairs.

"What the hell is going on?" I questioned "Lilly it doesn't matter, we can deal with this. Just a...a simple argument" Harry said, dean scoffed in the corner and my eyebrow raised. "That-" I began, turning my head to dean "tells me it isn't as simple as that" I said, turning back to them both. Harry's eyes we're full of anger, his normal light green eyes a darker shade "I'm going for a walk" he said, getting up and walking out the door. Slamming it behind him, my head turned to Ron as he tried getting up but Ginny yanked him down

"well" I said "I...well we all...." he began, his eyes met dean "we..we don't think it's the best idea for you to be dragging Harry into this search for your mum..." he whispered "what?" I questioned "we just...he's been through enough and it isn't fair, of course because I'm his best friend I had to say it and he took it thick like I was trying to have another go...like last time, but it wasn't like that. We just think he deserves a break....don't you?" Ron asked, "A school year with no stress..." dean added in.

I looked at Ginny with wide eyes and then back at Ron "you...but...it's not like I asked him to help me. He told me he'd be there for me....I didn't think he minded...I mean my mums missing. I didn't think helping me and my brother find her would be such an inconvenience" I said, my tone dripping with sarcasm "Lilly..." dean said, getting up and moving beside me "you know that's not what Ron means, rons not good with the whole word thing" dean began, wrapping his arm round me

"we all want you to find your mum, and we promise if there's anything we can do we will....but we just think....it's a lot for Harry right now....we noticed before Christmas his nightmares coming back....we don't want him going back to the dark place he was in after the war" dean said. I nodded, what they said hurt but it was true "I'm going to go find him" I said, getting up and walking out the door.

I headed towards the black lake and there he sat, the grass was dry but wind was cold and strong "hey..." I said, sitting beside him. We sat in silence for awhile before I said something "why didn't you tell me your nightmares had come back" I asked "I didn't want to worry you" he replied, not looking at me. I only nodded, my hand rubbing his arm up and down "the boys are right..." I whispered "what?" He said, spinning round

"you deserve a normal year, I have others that can help me find her...you don't need this extra stress. Especially if it's causing your nightmares to return..." I said "But I need to be there, to keep you safe, you helped me in the war. Let me help you with this" he said, my hand reached his face "I need you to focus on yourself, I'm a big girl now. I'm not the same girl that came to Hogwarts 7 years ago scared to tell her parents the house she was put in. You've made me stronger....you've made me brave, now I need you focusing on other things. The war is won...your job is done, It's time for you to relax, this is my own issue...my own battle that me and draco will have to fight on our own" I said, a tear running down my face "but.." he began

"no buts. Harry Potter you are the most important thing in my life right now and I need you to be okay, and right now you aren't no matter how much you say you are...you aren't, I've noticed it too....So go and play quidditch, sit up with the boys all night eating them stupid sweets that blow your head up...sneak into the kitchen and steal us hot chocolate like you did when we were younger" I said with a giggle as he smiled "This is your chance to be a big kid okay....I've got to be the strong one now....it your turn to sit on the sides okay?" I finished. He nodded and I kissed him gently "I love you Harry Potter" I said "I love you more Lilly Malloy" he said, kissing my forehead "not possible" I replied sinking into his arms.

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