I like you

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Hailee got up from the couch, took a calming breath and opened the door. Her heart skipped a beat, Maia was beautiful. Her black hair were down in perfect waves, she had a little bit of make up on and a pair of black jeans, a white crop top, showing a little bit of her stomach, and a black leather jacket. Damn.

Maia smiled shyly at her, "Hi."

"Hi. Come on in." Hailee moved aside letting her in. After closing the door, Martini came running into the living room, barking loudly.

"Look who's here. Hello baby." Maia said in a baby voice, crouching down to caress the dog, and Hailee felt her insides melting at that sweet sound. She saw the shorter girl picking up her dog and Martini started licking her face lightly.

Can you burst out of too much sweetness? Hailee thought with a loving smile on her face.

"You're so cute. Oh my god. Hi." Maia continued to talk with a baby voice smiling at Martini's affection, moving her head to the side.

She put Martini down and went to hug Hailee. The hug lasted a moment too long, far more friendlier, but they missed each other. When they separated, they let go of the other and smiled sweetly.

"How are you? You had a busy week."

"Ugh, it was a long week. But it was good. I had fun on some interviews, talk a lot about my new music, about Dickinson, shooting season 2 and other things. How was your week?"

"Ugh, Jane is kicking my ass with physics. It's like she likes torturing me. Oh and she says hi."

Hailee smiled lightly, trying to hide the jealousy that started to grow hearing Jane's name.

Hailee signaled Maia to follow her into the kitchen, where she set up a table.

"Wow." Maia said with a look of amazement.
She looked around curiously. Martini followed them and circled around Maia's feet, the shorter girl picked her up again, "she likes you." Hailee pointed out, with a slightly surprised tone but with a big smile on her face.

"I mean, I'm pretty awesome." Maia said cockily, Hailee shook her head but smiled nonetheless.

"Wait. Hold on. Did you cook?"


Maia's expression shifted from being happy to scared. Hailee rolled her eyes in anticipation, "oh god." The shorter girl let a shuddering breath and faked being scared of her friend, backing away from her.

"Such a drama queen." Hailee shook her head and went to take a bottle of wine.

"You know I'm kidding. Even if you don't know how to make carbonara, I'm sure you know how to cook at least something." Martini was biting lightly on her pointer finger making her sometimes hiss in pain. "Your teeth are like little needles. Ow." Hailee laughed and approached her, "hey, Martini, no. No biting." She took her from Maia's arms and pointed her finger at her, trying to be authoritative but Martini started to bite it instead. Maia laughed at that cute scene and approached the two, caressing behind Martini's ear.

They were closer now and Hailee looked up into Maia's direction, who was distracted looking at the dog in the singer's arms. She stared at her defined jaw, at her soft cheeks, her supple lips. God those lips. Hailee shook out of it, put yourself together. Don't get distracted. You're gonna tell her you like first, then your going to try to kiss her. She put Martini down, watching her dog running into her room.

They sat at the table and started eating, making small talk about their week. After dinner, they went into the living room, Martini settled on Maia's lap, sleeping. The shorter girl caressed lightly the dog, Hailee doing the same. "She really likes you, I've seen her doing this with only my family."

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