I love you

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Hailee stared at her phone screen holding her breath. She wasn't planning on telling Maia about her feelings through text, she was planning on doing it when she joined her on tour, but she felt like it was the right moment, Maia being her loving, cute and supportive self like always, the exhaustion from tour making her more unfiltered, those words forcing their way out for weeks now and she didn't want to resist them anymore.

So she said them and she felt so light, so happy saying those words, but that happiness crushed down when she looked down at the convo between her and her girlfriend and saw that Maia read the text but didn't answer and sighed.

But took a breath in when her phone suddenly started to ring and Maia's cute face and ID name appeared on the screen. She waited a couple of moments, taking a few calming breaths before answering the call.

"I'm sorry a dropped that bomb on you." She said quickly in lieu of a greeting and continued, not letting the quiet girl on the other line respond, "well I mean I'm not sorry I said them because I wanted to tell you this for a couple of weeks now, but I wanted to wait for the right time but it felt the right time but I didn't want to make you uncomfortable and I don't even want you to say it back because you feel the need to say it and you don't want to hurt my feelings. I don't care, I don't care if you don't say them ba-" Hailee stopped her word vomit when she heard Maia's laugh on the other line and she was a little hurt by that reaction. She expected Maia saying she wasn't there yet, or that she wanted to tell her in person, hell she even expected Maia saying "thanks", but not this.

The shorter girl stopped laughing and spoke up, "well now I can say that I rubbed off on you. You're cute when you ramble." Hailee blushed at the comment. "But now on a serious note... I love you." She simply said, sighing happily.

"Y-you do?" Maia could hear Hailee's shock through the phone, she could picture her cute shocked face and smiled sweetly at the thought.

"Was I not supposed to? God Hailee of course I love you and I know that I love you for some time now. You're amazing. You do everything with so much passion that it makes me envious. You're beautiful, inside and out. You have the most intricate mind and I want to spend every single day in my life trying to understand every single thought that runs into that beautiful head of yours. You care so deeply for everyone and I know that you know that it can be a little risky and you can easily be heartbroken but you simply don't care and that makes my heart burst out watching you being so selfless. You're so passionate about your music that I could hear you gushing about it for hours, listen to every single word and I wouldn't get tired of it. Your smile makes me dizzy. You have a lot of different type of smiles. The cute one when you accomplished something, the dorky one when you tell a bad joke, the charming one when you pose for a red carpet or for a magazine and the one I absolutely love the most, the one you reserve only for me, when I'm doing something stupid, and that happens a lot, when I'm studying and you think I don't realize you're staring at me, when we're on a date. But every single one of those smiles make me melt into a puddle. Your eyes make me envious because they're not only the most beautiful eyes I've ever saw, but because you can comunicate with them so easily. You have the purest soul in the entire universe and I want to protect it and you at all costs. Your voice... your voice makes angels jealous. And I'm not only talking about you singing, but also when you're talking. You could read the grocery list over and over and I would ask you to read it again. And when you sing? It's like I'm on cloud nine. You could sing the phone book and it would be a bop. I know that you walk around carrying this self-confidence but you have your insecurities too and I want to spend the rest of my days trying, no, making you believe in yourself no matter what. When you sent that text I spent an entire minute staring at it waiting for the moment for it to disappear, I couldn't believe that you loved me back. But it didn't disappear, so I realized that it was true, that it was real, so I decided to call you to tell you and because I wanted to hear you say those words. So yeah, I love you. God, I love you so fucking much. I know that I can be a pain in the ass sometimes but at least I'm a pain in the ass that loves you." Maia ended her speech and felt a weight lift up from her shoulders.

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