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A/N: HELLOOOO PEOPLEEEE! I'm sorry for the terrible delay. But my exams are kicking my ass!

Last chapter! What a ride, eh? Anyway, I hope you'll like it. Let me know what you guys think.

PS: 3k reads.... ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! You don't even know what this means to me.

PPS: WARNING: there's smut at the end 😏😉.



"Shawn! Give it back!"

Hailee yelled during her poor attempt of trying retrieving her phone back from Shawn, who stole it from her hands when she was trying to read what her girlfriend was texting her.

"Shawn give it back. I'm serious." Hailee repeated, starting to get annoyed. She had a major headache, Shawn was being a pain in the ass and her girlfriend was mad at her about something.

After some struggle, she succeeded in taking her phone back, "Shawn! You ass, you opened the chat!" And slapped Shawn on the shoulder.

"Oh cmon, if you want to write the song, we need to start now, I have to be in the studio in 2 hours." Shawn said in a serious voice and Hailee fought against the urge to read what Maia texted her. She went to type she had to go, but Shawn poked her shoulder and she sighed loudly blocking her phone.

"Fine." She threw her phone somewhere on the bed and the two got to work, Hailee not hearing her phone buzzing a couple of minutes later.


"I'll see you tonight." Hailee waved at Shawn before closing the door and locking it. Her headache subsided a lot and she was able to write a great song. I can't wait for Maia to listen to- MAIA!

Hailee ran to her bed, sitting on it and picked up her phone, seeing she had 8 notifications from Maia.

Maia 🤍:
You know what?

Maia 🤍:
I'm tired.

Maia 🤍:
I'm talking to myself.

Maia 🤍:
You're reading my text without
giving me an explanation for
all of this.

Maia 🤍:
I can't take this for very much longer.

Maia 🤍:
I can't do this anymore.

Maia 🤍:
I'm done.

Maia 🤍:
We're done.

We're done. Hailee was sure the world stopped and her head spinning was making her dizzy. We're done. She was having problems breathing normally, her breath coming out ragged and tears forming in her eyes, ready to fall down. We're done.

Nonononononono. This can't be happening. Please let it be a joke. Ha ha very funny Maia. Please let it be a joke.

Hailee read their morning convo and she felt the need to punch herself in the face repeatedly.

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