Chapter 9- River of Lies

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Hey guys i'm so sorry I haven't been uploading sooner! Now I want you guys to vote!!! Please if u got this far why not vote!! also leave a nice comment please xD


Why is it that I feel theirs something going on with Stephanie and my brother Cole? They know I don't tolerate my friends trying to date my brothers. If your thinking "Oh you let Georgina date Zack!" Georgina is my best friend actually my sister. The whole Clique thing is just high school neither of us really get along half of us don't even like each other sometimes so how is that being a true friend? I would have left the group if it wasn't for dear Georgina, she respects them even though they tear her down at any given moment. If anyone disrepected me like that! I'm going to have to drop a bitch. Ploping down on the floor next to my brother Zane who's playing 'Call of Duty Black opps 2' I don't even know how he got mom to buy that for him, his grades are nothing but pure shit. Does he think he's going to graduate this year? Hell to the no!

"Camie don't you have some where to be other than eating cheetos on my rug bothering me?" he shoved me away from him. Zane could be such a pouty bitch sometimes! Mom's letting him stay home because he's 'SICK' Sick my ass that liar!

"How would you like it if I told mom your pretending to be sick just so you could play the new game she got you?" I threatened. Zane's mouth opened and closed like a little fish "That's what I thought, now I came in here for a reason and you better not lie to me"

Zane rolled his eyes letting out a loud sigh pausing his game "What?"

Moving closer to him just in case someone would walk by "What's going on with Cole is he seeing anyone?"

Zane look baffled "Cole? Why do you care about what he's doing?"

Snatching the remote,hitting Zane upside the head "Just answer the question!"

Rubbing his head"Ouch Camie! Why can't you be a girl for once i'm surprised your seeing anyone yourself" he chuckled "I'm sorry but i'm not much in for Cole's dating department if you want to know so badly why don't you go ask him?"

Zane's no help I don't know why I bothered asking him in the first place! Mom and Dad had left early for work and our cook is out for the day. Ugh!! Today none of us are riding in the infiniti (Thank god) so i'm picking Georgina up in my black mercedes.

Georgina turned up the radio, Justin Bieber ft. Nicki minaj Beauty and a beat is playing "Body rock" she mumbled to the song iit's hilarious hearing her sing and let loose. Why? Because the stuck up bitches aren't hear. I'm on a time bomb so at any giving moment I can go off on those girls a.k.a Isabella and Stephanie. Bianca's a bitch everyone knows that but she's a genuine person once you get to know her, so I have nothing against her.

Arriving at school there's a crowd of people surrounding a car "I wonder what the commotion's about?" Georgina wondered. Opening our car doors we walked over shoving through the crowd to get a close up. Surprisingly Dylan is making out with Bianca against her car. These people have no lives if they want to see two people making out! ( Bianca would make her relationship staus public) It's called FACEBOOK!

A guy in a quiznos outfit walked past with a sign "Free subs at quiznos" he shouted

Really? Are you kidding me. "Move it people there's nothing to see here!" I ushered the crowd of people to move away from her car. At the far corner I saw Isabella running to the back of the school with...

Josh? What's going on around here? This some sort of boyfest? Is it such a big deal that Bianca is finally dating someone at this stupid school and he happens to be a major hotty? Is it such a bad thing to be sneaking around with boys and your friends brothers? I guess it's time to find out the truth in the river of all these lies.

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