Chapter 6~The A Sisters

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Walking Princess down the sidewalk in heels was pretty painful. Bianca followed next to me in complete silence. It was just us two today and after what had happened at the party, Bianca and Isabella had barely talked to me, I couldn't blame them really. I mean, I'd probably ruined any chances of us becoming Alpha's but we had a meeting today and if everything went well, we could still have a chance.

Quinn's house was big but not bigger than Bianca's. Nobody could compete with Bianca.

Standing at the gate, I pressed the button on the intercom. "Hello?" A lady said.

"Hello," Me and Bianca replied awkwardly. "Your names?" She asked and we gave her our names. A few seconds later, a guy in a black suit came riding over in a golf cart, instructing us to get on. He drove us along a side passage way towards the cabana where I spotted Quinn and some other Alpha's. They bright pink drinks and eating some other delicious goodies. Yummy!

We hopped off the golf cart before approaching their table. Quinn's head snapped up, her eyes focusing on us. Her friends stared at mostly at me which made me feel uncomfortable but if they even thought about dissing me, they would have another thing coming.

Quinn flashed us a smile and gestured for us to take a seat. Me and Bianca sat down, our eyes not lifting from Quinn who picked up a cookie and took a bite. "Try them. They're really good and completely fat free."

I'd never heard of fat free cookies before so they probably weren't very good. Bianca smiled politely before grabbing a cookie. I didn't really want one but Bianca pinched my arm. Like ouch.

Reluctantly, I grabbed a cookie. "I hope your hands are clean." Lucy sneered. "I mean, since your little, or should I say big mishap last week." Lucy glared at me, disgusted.

This girl was a few inches away before getting slapped. "Excuse me," I clearly said, opening my mouth to say something else. Bianca was giving me a 'Don't do it' look so I didn't say any further. Ugh.

Sarah batted her eyelashes, clearing her throat and looking directly at me."Don't mind Lucy, she tends to be rudely honest." She grinned like she'd just insulted me.

"No offense taken." I mimicked her voice sarcastically.

Bianca set her half eaten cookie on the napkin and dusted her hands. "We came here for business. Not for you to disrespect me or my friend." She said smoothly looking at Lucy and Sarah. " And Lucy, I have some proactive in the car if you need some." She said politely.

I batted my eyelashes at Sarah."Don't mind Bianca, she tends to be nicely honest." I teased, picking Princess up and placing her in my lap.

Quinn sighed telling her friends to shut up and the table turned silent for a moment. Quinn focused her attention back on us. "Your clique will not become an Alpha." She said finally, studying our reactions.

Bianca chuckled. If you knew her for long enough, you'd know it means she was on the verge of exploding. And when she did, you didn't want to be around. Trust me.

"Are you kidding me?" She spat. "Who else would do a better job than us? We're practically running Millington if you haven't noticed." She snarled, folding her arms.

Quinn looked levelly at Bianca before turning her head to the side. "Amy! Ashley! Amber! You can come in now," She shouted outside the cabana.

Three red headed girls who looked like a bunch of fake, freckled, fire-haired Barbie's strutted in. Ha! They were no match for me and Bianca's beauty. No sweat off my back.

Quinn stood in front of them, smiling. "Bianca, Stephanie," She nodded at us. "Meet the A sisters." She grinned, flipping her blond hair back.

They didn't look so friendly and they definitely didn't even look like Alpha material. Like, duh!

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