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Sam quietly moved around his room, pacing as he thought about a brunette stranger.

He sighed softly, sitting at the edge of his bed. He carefully moved up the bed, gently laying down.

Tears welled up in Sam's eyes as he laid down. Remnants of the brunette he loved running through his mind.

Sam missed the boy more than anything.

He knew he would always love the brunette, but he didnt know this version.

He didnt know the shy, happy boy. He knew the boy who had black outs. The boy who could hurt anything given the chance.

Sam sighed softly, burying his face in the pillow as he pulled his blanket up to his face. He was tired. So very tired.

He couldnt sleep. He was scared. He was scared that he would wake up and everything would be a dream.

He thought he would open his eyes and see that the boy he loved wasnt real.

Sam quickly wiped the tear that rolled down his cheek.

He softly closed his eyes, gripping his blanket closer to his body. He wanted to talk to the boy but he was scared.

What if Colby didn't want him? What if the boy he loved was really gone?

Sam sighed, starting to drift off to sleep. He quickly jolted awake as the loud siren started.

He sat up quickly as he heard the click of the door. Sam walked over, giving a slight shove the cell opened.

The soft glow of red littered the walls as he walked along them. The alarm blaring in his ear as he looked around. Yelling could be heard through the maze of corridors as he walked faster.

Sam found himself in the office of the warden. As he looked around his eyes fell on a pink haired boy. Jake.

"What are you doing?" Sam asked the boy with curious eyes. Jake jumped, quickly putting a file back before walking out of the room.

Sam watched as the boy fled, he slowly walked over to the cabinet. The file sitting on top of the shelf read 'Cole Brock'. He sighed before putting the file back in its spot.

'What is wrong with me?' Sam thought as he walked out of the room back down the corridors. His thoughts running as he got closer to his cell.

Screaming echoed off the walls. Gun shots rang out before everything went silent.

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