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Sam yelled for the guards as he watched Colby collapse to the ground. He mind reeling as he remembers watching Colby take out the female guard.

He's never seen someone flip moods so quickly. Colby became a different person. The same person he met at another time. The brunette he loved.

Sam watched as the guards carried Colby out on a gurney, taking him down the hall and out of his sight. He sighed, leaning against the wall, a voice breaking the silence.

"Was that Colby?" The voice asked from the dark. Sam recognized the voice as Jake Webber.

"He'll be alright." Sam said, sounding uninterested in talking about it. Jake scoffed before the halls fell silent again.

Sam laid down on his mattress, his back pressed against the cement wall. He stared at the empty cell that contained the brunette, his mind wandering back into the memories of him.

He closes his eyes as he remembers how colby would kiss him. He sighed, opening his eyes again and standing up.

Sam had blue bags under his eyes. They were sunken and dull, his skin was pale. He paced the room, humming to himself, and he walked around for hours. Stopping occasionally to read or write something. The nights went quickly, before he knew it a guard came to his room.

"Time to go to the day room, Golbach." The guard spoke as he opened the door.

Sam quickly walked to the room, searching it for a familiar face. He found no one. Sighing, he walked to the window and sat down. Staring outside as storm clouds started rolling in.


      Colby woke up in a small room, his arms tethered to the bed he is laying on. He blinked, his eyes blurry and unfocused as he looked around the room.

"Glad to see you awake." He heard a voice say, his head shooting towards the noise. Colby saw a doctor smile at him before carefully undoing his hands.

"We already gave you the medications you need to take for today. There is one more treatment that we are gonna try." The doctor spoke with a smile before pulling a wheel chair to the bed.

Colby stared at the doctor, an uneasy feeling spreading through him. He slowly moved to the chair. The doctor moved him to another room, Colby's eyes widened as he saw what was inside.

A chair stood in the middle, wires attached to it. A rag sat on a table next to it, a cup of water by it.

"W-what is t-this?" Colby asked scaredly.

The doctor smiled and helped Colby into the chair. He looked around nervously as the doctor strapped his hands down again.

He tugged at his arms and legs, terrified because he couldn't move. Suddenly, something was put over his head. His vision black.

Colby screamed as he felt electricity run through his body. Tears fell down his face as he sobbed through the pain.

The electric currents finally cease after an hour, Colby sobbed as his restraints came off. His body felt like it was on fire. Tremors taking over his hands. The doctor took the rag over his head off and smiled at him.

He was tired, his energy drained as pain filled him. A watched as a guard came into the room, with no energy to fight him, he didnt say anything.

The guard wheeled him back to his cell and laughed as he locked the door.

"Not so high and mighty now are you psycho." The guard chuckled as he walked away, his laughter filling the halls.

Colby sat by the door of his cell, his head in his hands, his vision going in and out as he sat there.

He was confused, his mind adapting to the treatment it just underwent.

"Are you okay?" He heard a soft voice say. His mind not picking up on the other person in the area.

Colby felt a hand grab him, his mind went blank. He grabbed the person and quickly slammed them into the bar.

Everything went silent.

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