Chapter 19 Part 1

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Hikaru's house~
A brunette stood by the window, his gaze, longing. Then a red haired teen entered the room.

"Have you decided, Tsuna? "

The brunette nodded " Yeah, I can't run away forever... It's just.... there's somewhere I need to go first.... alone..."

The teen's eyes flashed a bit. ".... *sigh* I understand, if that is your wish, I'll comply "

"Arigatou, Haruki "

As the word fell from the brunette's mouth, a black portal appeared besides him. The brunette then entered the portal and the portal dissipates leaving the red haired teen behind.

The next day~
As always, Ieyasu arrive in front of Hikaru's doorstep. Only that today, he brought along an infant who was sitting on his shoulder.

He knocked on the door and call out "Tsuna? Hikaru? Are you guys ready yet? "
As Ieyasu stopped knocking, footsteps can be heard from the inside "Ah wait a moment Ie-chan, let me grab my bag first "
Then the door opened revealing a cheerful red haired teen "Ohaiyo, Ie-chan~ Saa, let's go~ "

As the words left the teen's mouth, the teen hop passed Ieyasu and smiled brightly.

"Whoa, don't just suddenly jump pass me like that Hikaru, where's Tsuna? "

"Ah~ Tsu-chan said that he had something to do so he's taking a leave of absence for a few days~ "

"Mind telling me what that something is? "

"Nope~ no way~ hehe ". Then Hikaru finally noticed the infant sitting on Ieyasu's shoulder

"Are~ who's this kid? Did you kidnap him Ie-chan? That's not good you know~ ". Hikaru innocently said while of course, snickering on the inside.

The infant smirk at Hikaru's playful tone.

" Geez, you and Tsuna always like to keep secrets from me, *pout* even though I'm Tsuna's older brother. And who are you kidding? Me, kidnapping this kid? No way. Remember the tutor I mentioned about yesterday? It's him, the name's Reborn "

Reborn who was silently watching before finally said "Ciaossu~ "

Hikaru revealed a refreshing smile "Nice to meet you too Reborn-chan~ Why are you wearing a suit? Are you a part of a mafia or something? That's cool~ "

A glint pass through Reborn's eyes "Yeah, so don't add a 'chan' to my name or I'll shoot you "

Hikaru made a scared face which irks Reborn even further as Reborn knows Hikaru was just pretending to be scared "Uwah kowai~ I won't add 'chan' anymore so don't shoot me okay, Reborn-chan? "

Ieyasu sweat dropped 'Hikaru's really asking for it huh? Reborn is really scary when he's mad too. Well at least it teaches a lesson to this brat to not make fun of others if he gets hit so might as well nee'

Immediately a green gun appeared at Reborn's hand and Reborn started shooting at Hikaru.

Hikaru avoided the first bullet by moving sideways then quickly dug at the second one. And before the third one hit him, he did a backflip and immediately make a run for it while laughing happily.

"Ahaha, I'll go first Ie-chan~ Don't wanna get shoot at after all~ see you at school Reborn-chan~ "

Ieyasu looking at the retreating figure start sweating again 'or maybe not, I forgot that Hikaru have a really good reflex '

Reborn who had already stopped shooting wondered 'this kid... Even though I wasn't really serious he still managed to avoid the bullet smoothly.... Interesting~ he might make a good guardian candidate '

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