Chapter 13

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Sawada household~
Bermuda left Tsuna in front of Tsuna's house and took his leave. Tsuna was going to and fro in front of the house. He didn't know what to say to Nana and Ie-nii if they ask where was he the 2 days he wasn't there.

As if it was a cue, the door open, revealing a blonde boy with blue eyes. After seeing Tsuna in front of the house, he rubbed his eyes. "Tsu-chan? "

As he finally realise that the brunette in front of him was truly his little brother who went missing for two days, his eyes started to fill up with tears. He quickly run to hug the brunette.

"Tsu-chan! *sniff* Where did you go.....I thought...... hik......something had happened *sniff* to my precious little brother..... Waaa.... How could you.... hik... leave me alone *sniff* without telling anything!!"

Tsuna was flustered. He didn't know how to react seeing his brother bawling his eyes out while hugging him tightly. 'What am I supposed to do now?! Someone, anyone help me! '

Tsuna truly thought that the God answer his calls because right after he became confuse by the sudden situation, his mother opened the door.

"Ie-kun?, Tsu-kun? What are you two doing? Hurry and come inside, it's cold outside! And Sawada Tsunayoshi, you have a lot of explaining to give "

Tsuna flinched at Nana's voice when she said that he had lots of explaining to do 'ahhh, what should I tell them?! Sob sob, why is life so hard '

Time skip~
After Ieyasu has finally calmed down, the trio sat at the dining table. Nana served them hot milk while she made herself some coffee.

Tsuna had already took his mini whiteboard as he sat down and waiting for the two to start asking off questions. Nana stared at Tsuna while Ieyasu looked at both Tsuna and Nana.

"So, Tsu-kun, mind telling us where did you go missing for 2 days? ". Tsuna shuddered. 'why do I feel like this world's kaa-san is more scary and less dense then my kaa-san? '

Tsuna took up his marker and start writing at his mini whiteboard. After he finished writing, he stood up and with a puppy face, he showed the whiteboard to Nana and Ieyasu. [I'm sorry. I didn't mean to dissappear suddenly. I'm really sorry, please forgive me. ]

Tsuna's plan was, he was going to beg for forgiveness with his puppy eyes and keep on saying sorry so that Nana and Ieyasu couldn't question anything.

And miraculously, it succeeded. Nana heaved a sigh and patted Tsuna's head. "It's fine if you can't tell me. But next time, make sure to tell me when you are going to dissappear again, though I would love it if you could prevent yourself from doing so okay. Now go and get some sleep. It's past midnight already. It will be bad for your health if you stay up longer "

With that, Tsuna returned to his room with a clingy twin in tow. Ieyasu wanted to sleep with Tsuna no matter what so Tsuna just sigh and agree to it since he did made the older twin worry after all.

The next day~
After waking up, Tsuna glanced at the alarm on the table and notice it was already 7 in the morning.

'What?! How did I wake up this late?!' Tsuna stood up abruptly. Then he heard a small voice behind him.

Ieyasu was woken up by Tsuna and he started to rub his eyes. "Tsu-chan? What are you doing? "

Tsuna looked at his brother and he was a bit surprised then he calmed down. 'Right, Ieyasu wanted to sleep together last night'.

Then Tsuna shook his head to answer Ieyasu's question. Ieyasu stared at Tsuna seriously then he grinned and pull Tsuna to lay down besides him.

"Anyway, Okaa-san will call for us later. So let's have some siblings time together. I'm still mad at you for leaving me alone after all. Today you will have to follow what I say or I won't forgive you".

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