Chapter 12

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Vindicare prison
Tsuna hazily woke up and saw orange ceilings. He got up and look around him. 'Isn't this the room Bermuda had made for me in my past life? How come the vindicare have it in this life? '

In Tsuna's previous world, Bermuda made this room specially for Tsuna because Bermuda thought that the vindicare isn't really a place where you can relax so he didn't want the precious sky to live in the kind of condition where it's dark, murky and creepy.

The next day after Tsuna first started to live  in the vindice, Bermuda ordered for the room to be made promptly. He made sure to buy furniture with the brunette's favorite color.

Tsuna chuckle quietly, reminiscing the scene like it was yesterday. Then, the door opened. Bermuda entered the room and went in front of Tsuna without saying anything.

"Why the silence, Bermuda? ". Tsuna tilted his head with confusion. Bermuda didn't say anything and flick Tsuna's forehead. Tsuna cried out from pain and covered his forehead. He looked at Bermuda with watery eyes. " Why did you do that? "

"Don't give me that look you idiot of a tuna! I told you not to act on your own and here you are dissapearing without saying anything! Remember that you're just a 5 year old kid! " Bermuda shouted at Tsuna with hint of anger and worry.

"I'm sorry" Tsuna bowed his head pitifully. Bermuda sighed and thought to himself 'geez, even though I know that he's just acting pitiful I can't really get mad at him now'.

Bermuda patted Tsuna's head and said "Fine, apologies accepted but this is the last time okay. The next time you do this, I won't be so kind as to let you go with a simple apology". Tsuna brimmed with joy and hugged Bermuda "Thank you Bermuda~"

After a while Bermuda pried away from Tsuna's hug and look at Tsuna seriously. "So, tell me what exactly happen for you to just immediately dissappeared without telling anyone. I don't want any lies nor do I want you to hide anything. Tell me everything and I meant everything ".

Tsuna smiled wryly at Bermuda. "I can't escape now, can I? ". Bermuda smirked at Tsuna, " No, even if you did escape, I'll just capture you again".  "*sigh* Fine, I'll tell you. Um you see, I had a dream, It was about Mukuro and Chrome. They were dying. It was a horrible nightmare actually. I woke up from my sleep and my intuition started to ring furiosly that i felt like something's definitely going to happen".

"So you went and flew to the Esteraneo lab without any plan whatsoever?!"  Bermuda was a bit dissappointed and angry at Tsuna. He was dissapointed since Tsuna didn't tell him anything and decided to do everything alone and angry because Tsuna didn't even consider his own safety.

"yeah, I'm sorry for being rash. I was just worried about them. Really I'm sorry. Sorry for worrying you". Bermuda took a deep breath and paused for a bit "........Then? What happened? ".

" Well, my intuition was spot on and bam we were attacked by the Veleno family". "What?! Are you okay?! Did you get hurt?! ". Bermuda keep on shooting out questions and acting like a mother hen making Tsuna sweat at the scene.

" Maa, calm down Bermuda. I'm fine, really. I just used too much flames during the fight". Bermuda heaved a sigh of relief. "You were really reckless this time. So? Why did they just left you there unscathed? Even Mukuro doesn't look like he was harmed much. Don't even think of hiding anything from me. There's no way they would just let you go after going through the trouble of actually attacking "

'Haha Bermuda is really sharp..... Let's see, I think I'll just tell about the deal with not much detail since I do need their help sometimes and it would be a pain to lie everytime'

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