Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

Pinar Del Rio - Elizabeth POV, a few hours before Declan and Dickon arrive

Liz cursed, the door was barricaded from the inside out and the only advantage they had, was that Fisker was unaware they were here. At least, that is what both Kate and Liz hoped.

"We have to find Rob and Tala," Liz said hurried and started to open up the grand window from the chamber.

She looked down and decided the jump wouldn't kill them. If they landed in a good way, they wouldn't even break something.

"We'll jump," she glanced at Kate. "There bushes to break our fall."

"Liz," Kate spoke up, fear evident in her own voice. "Are you sure?"

The blonde came looking and shook her head slowly. Elizabeth looked at her.

"Kate, we have no other choice. If Fisker finds us, he'll give the order to kill us without a second thought."

The woman looked at her for a few seconds, bit her bottom lip and nodded. She was out of the window without thinking about it. Liz grinned, the courage that Kate showed was endearing and loyal. Also, a bit frightening to Liz because she felt the huge responsibility now towards her friend.

They both landed softly on the grass, their fall broken by the bushes underneath the window and they stayed low while they ran towards the treeline. There was the large garden to cross over and Liz always glanced over her shoulder.

When they crouched down to pass the open window of the kitchen, Elizabeth held still when she heard the raspy voice of Lord Fisker drifting outside to reach her ears. He wasn't alone. The landlady was with him, telling him in detail who arrived at her home yesterday.

"His name is Declan Harp, my lord," she said and Liz felt an ice cold chill that ran through her spine.

A sudden anger flared up in the pit of her stomach and given the chance, she would have killed the landlady on the spot for being a rat like that.

"And his daughter, a baby, is here too," the landlady continued, "and the woman. Her brother, Dickon, who I know for years but never thought he would be a criminal like...."

Liz couldn't stand to hear more and proceeded to crawl towards the treeline. Her gaze flickered around, hoping she could see a sign of Rob with Tala when they reached the blanket where the girl was playing on. The brown and white cotton blanket was abandoned, together with Rob's shoes that he had kicked out to relax.

As far as Liz could tell, there wasn't a sign of a fight or struggle. The fact that Laura had only told Fisker about them when he was in the house, must have meant that Rob had seen them coming.

She didn't realize that she wasn't moving, lost in her thoughts, when Kate suddenly grabbed Liz' hand and pulled her forward. Elizabeth apologized with her hand, keeping as silent as possible, and finally took a deep breath when they arrived into the cover of the small forest.

"We have to find Tala," she muttered. "I saw..."

"I saw it too. She's safe with Rob. Where the others?"

"I don't know," Liz admitted, her thoughts went to McTaggart and Fortuna.

They went just a bit further before they kneeled down by a tree, certain that no one could see them from where they were. But both of them kept their eyes on the mansion and listened carefully if they could hear the laughing or crying from a child. Liz hoped that Declan and Dickon wouldn't return too fast, because if they would arrive on the property, the soldiers of Fisker would surely see them coming.

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