Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Pinar Del Rio

Dickon was a liar. Declan decided that when he came out of the room and joined the rest at the breakfast table. His brother-in-law had told him, no promised, that he didn't snore. It was a lie right into Harp's face.

Declan hadn't closed an eye the previous night because of Dickon's loud snoring and was grumpy because of it. He had left Dickon in the room they had shared and went down to the common room.

He saw Elizabeth with Tala sitting next to Kate, laughing and looking beautiful in the first sunlight that came through the big window. When she noticed him, her bright smile only grew and before Harp was aware, Liz hung around his neck and kissed him sweetly.

"Morning," he murmured when Liz pulled back. "Did Tala let you sleep?"

Liz nodded vaguely and then shook her head.

"Woke up every three hours to play on the bed," she told him while they both walked to the table.

Harp took Tala from Kate and had breakfast with the group. He even forgive Dickon's snoring, for now.

Everyone was out and about, exploring Pinar when Harp found Laura in the kitchen that afternoon. Dickon and he went to look for the landlady right after everyone left.

"Lady Laura," Dickon started to get her attention. "We have a question."

"Ask away, Dickon," she smiled at him and put away the towel she held.

Dickon glanced into Harp's direction, cleared his throat slightly because he knew the subject of slavery could be sensitive. He was fully aware that Laura and her husband had a few slaves around their land too. They got free housing and lots of food, but they were still slaves. The Pirate's Captain was just glad that Declan hadn't noticed. Or worse, his sister.

"We want to know where we can find a landlord," he started and felt Declan move next to him.

"More specific," Harp spoke up, "one who would have children as slaves."

His tone was harsh and short. Left little to the imaginiation and Dickon grumbled something that Declan couldn't hear.

Laura's cold eyes flickered from Dickon to Harp.

"Why do you wish to know, Mister Harp?"

She looked at Dickon again, as if he had all the answers. The man waved away the tension in the air and conjured up his brightest smile.

"We are here to buy a child's slave, Lady Laura," he said sweetly and took her hand in his. "With their small hands they can tie the knots of my ship more detailed."

Harp stared at Dickon, the Pirate could feel his eyes on his back. Dickon was making everything up at the spot. The only thing he truly knew was that Lady Laura always had a thing for him. Not that she would ever cheat on her husband, as Catholic as she was.

"I understand," Laura said hesitantly. "We all need help sometimes. Those people should be glad to have a chance to work and have housing. They don't understand. They are uncivilised and can't read or anything."

A low growl was heard behind Dickon and the man didn't dare to look at Harp.

Declan held on to the counter of the kitchen, knewing full well what Dickon was doing but didn't like one bit what the landlady was saying. The pirate tried poking a bit more.

"It has to be a boy, they are a bit stronger. Still small, age between 8 and 10 maybe? Do you now someone who can help? I can pay good coin."

Laura's eyes flickered between Dickon and Harp. The latter tried to muster up the most fakest smiles he ever did. Declan's cheeks hurt from smiling so hard it hurt.

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