Chapter 20

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Pinar del Rio - Cuba

The journey to Pinar was long and not without troubles. They ran into a few bandits who tried to steal their stuff, Fortuna got diarrhea and with the hot weather that wasn't the best that could happen to the former Captain. And the drunk Scotsman almost broke his ankle because McTaggart decided to steal a bottle of Rhum from Dickon's ship before they left. And drank it in one go. On a midday. In the full sun.

Declan had muttered he was an idiot that he would leave McTaggart behind this time. He truly had enough of the Scotsman, but McTaggart refused to stay behind and followed when he got sober again. His ankle pained him, yet he kept hanging on and bit through the pain. And he stayed sober the rest of the journey. Much to Harp's surprise.

Kate was silent all the way towards Pinar. Though her mood seemed to lighten up a few times when she was playing with Tala. Elizabeth didn't bring up the subject of the Commodore who left them first thing when he got off the ship. But she knew her friend was hurt yet thought Kate was better off without him.

Arriving at Pinar was a welcome change from the jungle-like environment they had been travelling through. The first signs of civilization started a few miles outside the border of Pinar. Small houses, nicely next to each other with people sitting outside and singing or cooking.

Elizabeth her mouth started to water with the scent of garlic and meat.

"I thought I wasn't hungry," she murmured, steering her horse to follow Dickon, "but now, it's like I'm famished."

Declan smiled at her and simply nodded while he looked around.

"Dickon," he spoke and gave his horse the heel to speed up a bit. "We will need a place to stay. Or at least somewhere we can sleep and let the horses rest."

Truth was, his ass hurt from being on the horse for so long and days after a time. And Harp desperately wanted to get off of the animal. Though he had started to like the horse, he wouldn't grief for not being able to ride it for a few days. Or weeks. At least until Declan could feel his ass again.

"There's a little hotel, I think."

"You think?"

"It's been a while. Years, actually."

Harp frowned and simply followed Liz' brother until they arrived at a large estate. Dickon grinned widely while the others stared up at the colonial house.

"It's still here," Dickon nodded happily. "I still have some coin left for a few nights here. But then we'll need to either sell the horses or get a job."

"Not the horses," Kate muttered. "I like them."

Everyone turned to face the blond whose lips were pouted and she merely shrugged.

"What? I love horses," she defended herself and Liz couldn't help but laugh.

"Let's hear for some rooms," Declan said, jumped of his horse and couldn't help the groan that escaped him when he rubbed his butt.

"I can massage that for you," Liz murmured while she watched him from her mare with a playful smile on her lips.

Harp lifted up a brow and flashed her a grin.

"You would like that, wouldn't you?"

"And you wouldn't?" Liz countered and saw McTaggart move next to her.

"Aye, if ya want, lad," he started, "I can do it too. I've got great hands. Or so the women told me."

His face was so serious that even Declan had to wait and see if he was joking or not. But then the Scotsman laughed, showed his rotten teeth and jumped of his horse.

"I ain't touching that arse of yours," he laughed loud and everyone chimed in.

It was a joyful sound in the middle of a garden and it was like everyone was relaxed for once. Even Fortuna snorted out the water he was drinking which made Liz laugh even harder. Declan felt his heart flutter by the sound of her laughter and when she turned her head to lock eyes with Harp, he cupped her face with one hand before he pulled her in for a kiss.

She smiled against his lips and when Declan pulled back, he saw the soft crimson colour on her cheeks. Something that always made him weak in the knees and he felt some sense of pride that she still reacted that way on him.

"Can I help you, folks?"

They all turned to the older man who walked over to them and Dickon smiled wide. Declan always thought he must have been some kind of sales person in the past. Using his charms to get things done.

"I'm Dickon Wilson," he said while offering his hand. "I'm here for Alfredo and Laura. Can you tell them I'm here?"

The old man nodded and started to walk off towards the house. Only a few minutes later a beautiful woman with long black hair and dressed in the finest silk came running towards them.

"Dickon," she cheered. "It's been too long."

Her accent was noticeable, but everyone could still understand her. Laura pressed two kisses on each cheek and Dickon held her hands.

"Laura, my apologies. It's been too long, indeed. I want you to meet my sister and her lovely daughter. And her...," he arched a brow when he glanced at Declan. "Man."

Elizabeth took Tala from Kate and introduced herself. Laura smiled at the little girl and then gave two kisses to Liz before getting to know the others.

"Alfredo isn't here. He's out of town for a couple of days. You just missed him because he got an urgent letter from Havana."

Dickon nodded and Laura urged them all to come into the house. The house was cool and the whole group took a breather while Dickon followed Laura into the kitchen area. They heard murmured words from the large living room they were standing in and Declan leaned his elbow on the chimney.

Tala playing on her back on the soft carpet with Liz sitting down next to the child.

"We can stay. For a good price," Dickon entered the room with Laura behind him.

The woman immediately made her way to Tala and Liz.

"I have a crib upstairs. You can take the big room with your daughter," she said with a smile.

The crow's feet reached the corner of her eyes, but Liz noticed Laura looked amazing with her sunkissed skin. Especially with that smile that reached her eyes.

"That sounds great," Declan spoke up. "Thank you so much for your hospitality."

Laura glanced at Harp and her smile faded a bit. A confused shake of her head was seen.

"You will share a room with one of the other men. I don't have enough single rooms for you."

Harp chuckled and took a step towards Liz. But Laura wasn't smiling and had a serious face while looking at the couple.

"That's a joke right?"

"No, Mister Harp," she spoke. "I'm a Catholic. In this house no one shares a bedroom except for married couples."


His voice was higher then normal and both Liz and he gaped with their mouths open towards Laura.

"I love him, Laura," Liz tried, but the woman shook her head and started to leave the room.

"No discussion," she said. "He needs to be a man and make a decent woman out of you. Or just sleep somewhere else."

Everyone was silent until Laura left the room. Then all their heads turned to a surprised Liz and a shocked Declan. Harp waved his hand, shook his hand and grabbed his bag.

"So, who doesn't snore?"

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