Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Pinar Del Rio

Elizabeth hated waiting and not going with them. She knew it was for the best and was aware that Declan wanted to play safe for them. Not wanting to make their daughter an orphan when something went wrong. Still, Liz hated the waiting. Hated not being able to help.

She paced the living room, biting the skin on the side of her thumb when Fortuna walked in.

"Stop," he spoke up and got her attention. "Stop worrying, my friend."

He grabbed her by the shoulders to make Liz look at him.

"Declan will return. So, will your brother," he smiled at her to make her feel better. "Go play with your little girl. Think about something else."

Liz always liked Fortuna, but how could she explain that she wouldn't be able to think about anything else then Declan and Dickon being out there. She quickly offered Fortuna a smile and nodded slowly to agree.

She didn't agree at all but didn't want to lash out to the man. He meant well , but Liz was relieved that he left the room after thinking she was fine.

"It's horrible, isn't it? The waiting and not knowing?"

She glanced over her shoulder and locked eyes with Rob. He leaned against the open door that lead to the gardens and Liz nodded.

"It is. I feel like I need to do something," she admitted, knowing full well that Rob wouldn't sweet talk her.

The young man sighed and rubbed his hair before fully entering the living room. He never had been a man of lots of words and mostly hung around in the background. His fighting skills were beyond amazing, yet Liz always saw that haunted look behind his piercing blue eyes. They reminded her of a stormy night at sea.

"Truth is," he started, "you can't do anything for them there."

She straightened herself a bit while Liz looked at him.

"I know, I..."

Rob put up a finger to make her shut up.

"But you can do something here. You can pack your things. Make sure everything's ready to leave quickly if needed too. Give Tala to me while you pack, I can keep her safe while you pack. Don't let the lady of the house notice anything."

Liz frowned, knew he was right but was surprised by the last sentence he just spoke. Rob stood close to her and was whispering.

"I don't trust her. She has slaves here too. I heard the conversation in the kitchen between Dickon and her. Laura didn't want to give the addresses and your brother had to lie. Where is her husband?"

Liz' features were serious while looking at him.

"He went to Havana," she started and Rob arched a brow.

"But why?"

"I don't know," she admitted and swiftly patted his shoulder. "But you're right. I need to be prepared. Keep Tala close to you, she's with Kate in the garden. Tell her to meet me in my bedroom."

Rob nodded and clearly felt relieved that Liz had listened to him.

Elizabeth made her way to the large bedroom she was assigned too and bumped into a few maids on her way up. They hardly looked at her when Liz opened the door of the chamber. She moved fast ; packing didn't take long because they always travelled light.

When Kate finally entered, the blonde looked at her.

"Rob told me you needed help with something," she asked and glanced at the bags by the side of the bed.

"Yes, we need to pack. Just to be ready if something happens," Liz said and Kate looked at her confused.

"Liz, I'm sure we're safe here, right? We can rest a few more days," Kate said. "Please, we need more rest. We've been travelling for months now."

Elizabeth looked at Kate and put one of her linen bags down.

"I understand," she murmured and smiled sadly. "You must be tired, Kate. I'm sorry."

Kate took a breath of relief and answered Liz' smile. It was as if she had been scared to speak her mind to Liz or at least had feared Liz' reaction. It was still a residue from she was part of Benton's personnel.

"You can always speak your mind," Liz said with a big smile. "You're my friend."

Kate nodded and glanced at the bags again.

"I think, I should go pack too. Who informs the men?"

"I will," Liz made her way to the door. "Laura can't notice we're packing."

Kate grinned and shook her head.

"Up to an another adventure," she spoke up and laughed.

Liz chuckled with her and rolled her eyes.

"I think so," but her smile disappeared when Liz looked out of the window and saw that nightfall wasn't too far away. "I hope they'll be back soon."

She stepped out of the chamber, ran down the stairs and almost bumped into the landlady who stood with her back to the stairs. The woman had the front door open and Liz could see over her shoulder that there were people arriving in carriages.

"My husband is back," Laura spoke to one of her maids, not yet noticed Elizabeth standing on the stairs behind her. "He has brought important people with him. Make sure every room is clean and smile when they ask something. Whatever they ask, you'll obey."

Liz her stomach turned listening how Laura talked to her maids. She would have said something, but movement outside caught her eye.

Her breath got stuck in her throat and Liz stumbled backwards up onto the stairs again. She heard to door of her room chamber open behind her and Liz prayed that Kate wouldn't speak up. She needed to get away from here as soon as possible, they all did!

Instead that Kate spoke up, she grabbed Liz by the shoulder and pulled her on the stairs and into the bedroom. She swiftly closed the door and pushed a chair against the handle to lock themselves in.

"We're fucked," Kate muttered and Liz had to calm herself down, her breathing ragged and she stormed towards the window.

She looked outside, saw Lord Fisker walking up to Laura and greet her with that sickening smile around his mouth. Elizabeth walked to the other window on the other side of the room, the one with the view on the garden and didn't see Rob with Tala no more. Something she was relieved about, the man probably had seen them coming and went into hiding.

"Where's Fortuna and McTaggart?"

Kate shrugged and played with her hands, she was as nervous as Liz was.

"I don't know."

"We need to find Rob," Liz spoke, panic in her voice and trembling, "he has Tala. Fisker can't find my daughter."

"I'll kill him before he get the chance," Kate spoke up and Elizabeth noticed the strength in the woman's voice.

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