Chapter 9

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Chapter 9 – Fortuna's Ship

The North Sea was behind them in just a matter of days. The weather was bright, but with enough wind so the crew was able to use all three sails. Which meant they were practically gliding over the water, leaving the English in Dunkirk. A burning Dunkirk.

Liz scanned the water while she carried Tala in the towel bound around her waist and shoulders. Shielding the little one from the wind.

"I don't like the Sea," she muttered when Harp's heavy hand came to rest on the small of her back. "I hate water in general from now on. I'm sure of it. I'll never go swimming again."

A deep chuckle escaped his throat and Liz glanced at him sideways, one brow arched while she scanned his features.

"Why are you laughing?"

Harp shrugged and put his hands on the railing before he locked eyes with her.

"I hate the sea," he admitted with a smirk, making Liz laugh lightly.

The sound of her laughter carried over the deck and back again, making Declan feel warm inside and pull her closer to him to press a kiss on her forehead.

The last few days had been going by without any events ; the ship sailed smoothly with it fixed sails, Fortuna and McTaggart worked as one, Kate turned out to be a great cook and made even the most stale ingredients taste like a full, healthy meal.

Even the Commodore looked more relax...though he never smiled only when Kate talked to him, the man his lips curled up in a faint grin or smirk.

Declan didn't trust him, neither did Liz, and Harp kept his eyes on him.

Rob kept himself busy with scrubbing the deck, knotting the ropes, and he took the night watch whenever he could.

Declan had noticed the young man only ever talked to Elizabeth without hesitation. He had tried to talk to him a few times, but every effort got blocked by a cold nod or shake of the man's head.

In the evenings, Rob held little Tala close to his chest and walked around with her when she cried. Declan always watched him from a distance while Rob carried his daughter, but the man soothed the little girl back to sleep in a matter of minutes.

Liz seemed to trust Rob with Tala, but Declan felt himself watching the boy more often then he would ever admit.

Even now, standing next to Liz and Tala, Harp his gaze travelled over the deck towards Rob who was scrubbing the deck. McTaggart close to him and probably drunk of the Whiskey Harp just saw him snatch from below.

"Two more days and we're away from Europe," Fortuna's voice made the couple turn their heads to the captain.

"How long until we reach Cuba," Harp asked.

A question which made the captain shrug his shoulders while he leant his elbows on the railing of the ship.

"Two weeks, two months...?" The man replied. "Depends on the winds, my friend. I can not give you an exact time. Jean-Joseph knows these waters. With his knowledge of the Oceans and mine of my ship, we'll get there."

"Do you trust the Commodore, Fortuna?"

Liz her voice was light when she looked up at the man and she had to resist the urge to tip his hat straight again. The captain locked eyes with her, his gentle gaze travelled over her face and he bit the inside of his cheek.

"I don't know," the man admittedn turning a bit to the left so he could see Jean-Joseph standing before the wheel. "Time will tell, Liz."

He left it at that, tipped his hat and walked towards the bridge again.

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