Chapter 19

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Chapter 19 - Cuba, Havana

Rob was the first one to be up the next morning. Made sure everyone was wide awake when the sun came through, promising another hot day in Havana. He asked if he could little Tala for a while and go for a small walk with her while everyone started packing again.

Declan didn't mind and Liz seemed to trust the young man without hesitation. Even Tala started laughing loudly when Rob took her from the couple.

Dickon had made sure everyone had new clothes that were easier to wear in the warmth of this country. Liz had a light blue dress taken out of the bag that her brother had dropped and Harp noticed the sad smile that passed her face when she took the light fabric out of it.

"What's wrong?"

"Remember the blue dress I got in Montreal," she murmured with a faint smile and looked at him. "I never got to wear it."

Declan glanced at her while changing into a lighter shirt and cotton trousers. He nodded vaguely before fishing something out of his worn-down bag.

"One day," he smiled at her and threw a bundle towards her.

The fine silk of the beautiful light blue dress was in her hands. It was wrinkled from being in his bag for a long time and there was the smell of dust around it, but Elizabeth hugged it against her chest while staring at him.

"You kept it?"

Declan shrugged and scratched in his hair.

"Yeah, thank McTaggart, he was able to save some stuff before we went on Fortuna's ship."

He had to brace himself for the hug that came, her arms flew around his neck and Declan laughed silently.

"Get dressed, we have to leave. Dickon said he had information for us. We'll meet him downstairs."

Harp felt nervous, almost scared that Liz' brother wasn't able to find some information. Finding his son would be like searching for a needle in a haystack. The gentle kiss that was placed on his cheek, brought Harp out of his reverie.

"We'll find him," Liz said and went to get herself dressed up.

The whole group gathered outside the farm, thanked the family and were on their way again. Dickon had briefed them about the plantations and the slavers. The only problem seemed to be that they were all located farther south of the country. The farmers had told them the rich slavers mostly lived in Pinar del Rio.

So they all went on their way. But not after Harp thanked them all for their dedication and friendship. He even shook hands with Dickon who appreciated Declan's thankfulness. Liz had smiled widely when she saw the two men together.

When they arrived at another farm by midday, Harp cursed and shook his head. Dickon grinned widely and gestured at the horses.

"You weren't going to walk all the way,right? It's a bloody long way to travel. We need horses."

Declan muttered a curse, but went to the horses anyway. He didn't pose questions on how Dickon was able to provide for the animals. It was obvious he knew his way around the land.

When Tala was bound comfortably on Elizabeth's chest, they all could leave. Rob always close by, something that Declan liked. The boy's gaze always sharp, his stance ready to strike if something might happen. Even Harp wanted to tell Rob to relax a bit. The dark circles underneath the young man's eyes told Harp everything he needed to know.

Liz beat him to it and asked if Rob was all right. Declan saw this opportunity to go and ride with McTaggart and Fortuna on the back. He was worried about Rob, but didn't like to talk about it. Not when it wasn't needed.

The country they travelled through was beautiful and green. The heat was unbearable or Declan and he noticed the sweat on Liz's forehead by noon. Yet, they only stopped to let the horses drink and get some rest in between.

By evening they made progress and Dickon took a map to show Declan where to go while Rob, McTaggart en Fortuna went either to hunt or gather wood for the camp.

They way to Pinar del Rio would be long, but when Declan looked around to his group, he knew they would make it. And even sleep came easy for them that night underneath the Cuban night sky.

In the Port of Havana a small fleet of English war vessels let down their sails and threw their anchors. Fisker scanned the small port from his deck and smirked at his lieutenant who stood next to him.

"Question the villagers of they saw them. If they don't want to answer, lit fire to the whole city if needed," he growled through his teeth. "Declan Harp won't leave Cuba alive. Neither will Elizabeth Wilson."

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