Skywalker Reunion 15

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"Luke! Leia! You brought them back!"
"Well... Of course I did make a promise." 

Luke and Leia reached out to Padmé and clung onto her for dear life and started crying in her arms.
"Shhhhh, I'm here... I'm here..."

Darth Vader looked at her and wanted to help but felt unworthy of their love.

"Let me help.." Before Padmé could reply Vader stretched his arm and rested it on Leias head then to Luke as they immediately began to calm down.

"How did you..." She didn't need an answer. She already knew why.

"The Emperor cannot know you three are alive, however there's not many places hide without the notice of my absence. It's already drawing attention. So you will be staying here for one more day. However there's a matter that needs to be discussed that isn't to do with our children and I think you know who I'm talking about."

The room started to get colder as a chill went up her spine, "Why are you bringing it up now?"

"To get it over with so we'll have no more conflicts in the future."

"I doubt that..."

Vader let out a ragged sigh. Well... sounded like a sigh.

"Obi-wan. Did you have an affair with him?" There was two things in his voice one, uncontrolled anger and two, despiration.

"WHAT?! NO!" The twins woke up
with a jump and started to sniffle.
"No not you... Shhhh, just go back to sleep... Please."

The twins only stared in confusion and worry but eventually did what told. "No, never. How could you say that?"

"Yet then why was he on your ship? Padmé." His tone sounded calm but it wasn't enough to hide the fury behind, she didn't even knew he was going to believe her.

"I didn't knew he was on my ship, he snuck on without me knowing.

Why do you think that? I was trying to get you to run away with me not trying to kill you! Also I was pregnant with our children, did you really think I was that unloyal?

Cause Vader, I don't know about you! But you wouldn't exactly trying to run away with a person committed genocide!"

"Enough! I did that for you and our children. When I defeat the Emperor we'll rule the galexy and finally restore peace like we wanted. No matter what."

Padmés face turned red of anger and rage staring at Vader with daggers in her eyes. But it slowly and eventually soften a little.

"If you weren't wearing that mask I would of slapped you but...
All I ever wanted was your love.
Nothing else. To raise our kids together. That was all I ever wanted.

I don't want the galexy, it'll be only a burden for everyone, you, me and our kids."

Vader only stared at her. She had no idea what he felt he had no exspretion. Finally he spoke.

"But we would finally have something. Control. We don't need to run anymore if we are in control with everyone listening to us. We make the rules unlike everybody else we would finally bring order like we wanted."

"That's funny comming from you, ever since we departed you were running from yourself and so was I in a way.

Running is to be free in my case.
You say you're going to defeat the Emperor but it's been more than a year-"

"I will destroy him Padmé. Don't underestimate me. It's just taking time."

"Oh? So how long do we have to wait?
A week? A month? A year? A decade!
How long! We both know you're in no condition to fight that man and it's not to do with your strength but to do with Sidious having control over you!
And that suit is proof."

"I just need more time-"

"If one of your own troops said that then they would of been killed by you with no remorse. You can't defeat him in the state your in and even if you did you will you would nearly be dead and I don't want that to happen! Please come back..."

Vader only left out a sigh...
Looking down at the floor that you could easily see the wiring through.
"It's too late for me Padmé."

A pause it took.

"I guess my husband is dead after all.

Darth Vader.
Do you believe me about Obi-wan?"

Vader stared at Padmé then their children napping in her arms.
They were so small.

"Yes. Your presence speaks the truth. But if I can't kill the Emperor then who can? If I'm so not able to."

"Actually... Your wounds might be able to be healed. After I delivered our children Polis Massa I had to get them vaccinated and just after the vaccination I saw a middle age woman who was almost covered in burns almost who looked like she was about to faint and I talked to her,

in disguise of course, and said she had been in an explosion thanks to a reckless bounty hunter. She said she needed to get her lungs operated on and have a bacta tank treatment for
2 weeks, well it can be cut down to a week and a half with the cellular treatment but it's more expensive.

I don't know the full extent of your injuries but I'm guessing it's on the line of what that woman had."

"Yes but I won't have enough time. The Emperor would definitely notice and it could risk all of us getting killed."

"Yes but it's a risk that sometimes we have to take. Our love destroyed the galexy. Its time we healed it and rewrite our wrongs."

"I... Don't know Padmé."

"You have to try, for me and our children."

Vader looked at her with longing but it felt like a invisible wall dividing them. He wants to but it felt like he didn't deserve it. He didn't deserve her
at all. Besides she has rebel ties and they would most likely try to kill him.
But if he could then he could fix the damage he caused.

"We'll see."

He was about to leave until-

"Oh and since we're on the topic of me having an affair with Obi-wan, how's that Zygerrian Queen of yours doing?"

Vader choked and stood completely still , "WHAT! PADMÉ I-"

"I was joking."

His arms crossed firmly as the twins woke up again with a funny look in their eyes.

"It wasn't very funny."

"Now you know how I feel."
Padmé raised her eyebrows giving a smirk at him."

WellI have to meet up with the Emperor. Oh by the way... Thank you."

"For what?"

"That I could see my children."

"Well you are the father... Good Luck."

He only nodded as he strolled away.

Padmé can only pray he would be alright.

Me: SORRY IT'S BEEN SO LONG! I WAS VERY BUSY! My school just lovesss to abuse me!

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