Regeneration 16

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"AGGGHHHH!" The Emperor leashed his fury onto Vader, laughing psychopathicly with no remorce whatsoever finding satisfaction keeping the "chosen one" under his control.
The Emperor stopped finally as his face turned serious as he glared down at Vader upon his thrown with his eyes glowing more than ever.
"Lord Vader you should know I don't tolerate with lies. I know your hiding something from me! Why do you think you're always late?"

Did you really think I wouldn't had noticed this!"

If Vader didn't wear a mask you would see his amber eyes bloodshot at Sidious and fear for your life.
But Sidious doesn't fear him.
He was his Master after all.

"On the attack... Some of the rebels managed to escape... I was trying to locate them and destroy them." It was actually true that some of the rebels escaped but he wasn't too worried about them, they were already defeated.

"Yes... You were seen... I'm disappointed in you Darth Vader. Now, I need you to inspect Tarkins project and do what you need to speed things, however I do not want to find all of the commanders dead.

Do I make myself clear?"

Darth Vader wheezed as he was on the floor with smoke coming off of him.

" Yes Master."

He smiled

" Good... "He smiled gleefully showing his yellow teeth on full display.

Padmé began to worry, she had been transferred to another room by Darth Vader, it had a large cot in the corner that the twins were sleeping in and a bed which next to it is a chair and table.

"He's never been this long... Well either he's on a long term mission from Sidious or-"

She heard the raspy breathing that people grown to fear, however the breathing was worse. It sounded like someone taking their last breath before dying.

"Ksh... Padmé..."

Padmé immediately turned around as she saw Darth Vader hunched and gripping to a pipe for surport.

He was hurt. Badly.

"Anakin! What did he do to you?"

Padmé rushed towards him despite him letting out a warning growl at that name.

"That's not my name Padme.
He's dead. I...
Ksh... Killed him."

"Yes I heard you say. Now what did he do to you and then I'm going to beat the shi- sith out of him."

"Language, Padme. Children are here."

Padmé was definitely not one to swear for she looks down on it and is bad behaviour she doesn't tolerate with, even on their wedding night when Anakin swore like a madman like when he first "Negotiated business" with Padmé. She still told him off which usually ended up on the lines of "Sorry milady" doing a smug look.
So when she ever so treasurely does,
You are going to have a bad time.

"That's why I said Sith!"

"Still beating the Sith out of him is going to be impossible."
Vader let out a low chuckle on that remark.

"Yes I know but you can't keep on living this way."

"I know, that's why I have to kill him."

"Vader, Anakin or whatever your name is when will you get it into your thick scull that you can't? And you know what you need to do.
Come with me. We both know his rule needs to end and I- want to see your real face."

Vaders heart plummeted as he grew with fear. That was the last thing he wanted to show Padmé the empty shell he had become. What's even worse that Padmé gave him those longing eyes that saying no is almost impossible.

" That will not be possible. Besides this is my punishment for what I did."

"But I don't want you to be punished, that's why I'm trying to save you. To end the cycle of the abuse he does to you. Please, let me help."

"Do you have a medical degree?"

She let out a low chuckle. "No but remember what I said about that hospital? The one where I gave birth?"

"Yes, I do. The one with the woman who you think they surpose can heal me."

"Yes, and I think you know what you have to do or I'll keep nagging at you."

"Fine, you win. I'll do it."

Then Padmé pulled him in a tight embrace burying herself into his chest.

"Thank you."

For Anakin it hurt but was definitely worth it.

Somewhere on the planet of Mandalore there's pacifist dressed in Mandalorian armour and is about to meet someone real soon.


Padmé x Darth Vader (Behind the Mask) Where stories live. Discover now