It Takes Time To Heal 17

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Padmé was dressed in black with a hood covering her face as two toddlers covered in blankets nice and snug as they slept to Darth Vader's breathing.

She had managed to leave Corosont unnoticed and is one of the first times she's actually walking and able to get a stretch or two from it.

Padmé already registered an appointment for Darth Vader disguised with a hood covering his face completely despite everyone hearing his breathing it did stop the attention from other people covering himself in the cloak as they thought he was a mere patient.

They didn't even need to wait as they  went into a room that the doctor was in. As she contacted the doctors they thought it was best for them to be immediately let in so they can get this examination over with.

Darth Vader luckily had transmitted a report of all the medical records on him and it was so much that it even is enough to be a complete book.
Unfortunately some injuries might not be able to be fully heal.
Such as his voice box and the gash on his face that will eventually heal in time.

Padmés thoughts still dwelled on her husbands face that finally after so long she saw it.

She recalled when Vader said if he was going to do this and he had to let her see his face before this "operation" so she would know what the damage Obi-wan had done and won't be disappointed in the outcome.
She was about to correct him that it was her doing for driving him to the dark side and never wanted that to happen but stops her from saying another word.

He then tells her that he doesn't want her to be feel the guilt he did.

After finally for so long he asked her

"Are you sure you want to see the damage? For I don't look like the one you-"

"Ani, I love you no matter what you look like and I promise I will forever."

"I wouldn't say that..."

His hands went to his mask as air escaped from it with a simple click,
Half of it came off as he put it to one side with hesitation of getting the last piece off. It was clear he was bald but she didn't care, she just wanted to see his face.

With slight hesitation he took off the last piece and it showed a broken young man with almost a tear in his eye. Padmé guessed the mask prevented him from crying but, what do you know? He looked at her with sad broken blue eyes and a sad face trying to turn away. His broken voice spoke. He was embarrassed and ashamed with how he looked and felt naked without the mask.

"I told you, I shouldn't have-"

But instead of looking at him in pity she made him turn his head as she kissed him deeply.

Anakin was shocked but he fell into it and deepened the kiss as his arms went around her and held her tightly.

Padmé felt his uneven lips but she didn't care as they dueled with their tongues with him winning and exploring her mouth fully.

Eventually she was the one to break.
"Your beautiful."
She then hugged him tight as he began to smile over her shoulder as tears fell down."

He was happy. So happy.

"I love you"

The twins were asleep as Padmé was getting everything ready on this trip.

And mostly remained asleep during the journey.

Her head went back to the present as they went into a rather large room as the doctor was sitting down examining papers and writing down notes on datapads. His head shot up as he jumped seeing the large man at entering the door. As he tried to mask his fear by looking serious.
To be honest who would blame him,
A senator whose surposed to be dead and a Sith Lord who kills people without a second thought is in the doorway with two children.

Padmé then sat down with the twins in her arms as her husband remained standing up as he removed his cloak and handed it to her.

"Ah yes, you must be Mrs Skywalker and I am grateful for you coming as early as possible. Now then I've read about your injuries Lord Vader that you have given to me and luckily three of your limbs can be replaced with biological ones."

"Wait, I thought that the limbs cannot be replaced with biological ones because of the midichlorians around the body which you'll lose connection in the force."

"True but luckily the limbs that were cut off from Mustafar were recovered by Sidious' men and one of them was a doctor who worked here and thanks to him the blood has been transfusioned and kept frozen. It is a poor way of storing it, yes, but it should allow you to have limbs again without it effecting the force and may even increase it."

I looked to the doctor.
"But why did he keep my blood instead of, deposing it?"

"Well probably incase you lost too much blood and is used in  emergencies so that you won't be disconnected to the force.
But that's just a guess.

With the cellular material we will be able to regenerate limbs much faster, 3 days to be precise. But I'm afraid it'll only be able to regenerate three of them.
Also we have a problem with the lungs, for you see most, if not all of the alveoli in your lungs are dead and which needs to be operated on and replaced with pulmonodes,  mechanical lungs.

What's even worse is that's not the only thing risking your life. Most of the spine needs to be removed, a heart needs to be harvest, eye problems but that can be solved easily, the vocal cords are damaged badly thanks to the gas on Mustafar, scalp needs work on,
the bladder and face burns and unfortunately much more.

How did you even survive in that suit is beyond me and having been operated awake with no painkillers is something else, but it is possible with the technology we have. Pulmonodes are recommend for the lungs so that should be solved easily.
But you know if you go along with this, it's going to cost you alot of credits. "

"I know, and I will go along with it."

"Alright... Luckily there is no spaces for the next 2 weeks and it is best to do this as quickly as possible. So.
Do you want this now?"


"Alright, I just need you to sign this right here."

The doctor held out the holopad as Darth Vader signed his name as Anakin Skywalker.

However it wasn't very neatly written and looked like just some scribbles from a five year old kid but you can't really blame him. Anakin didn't really like to write.

The doctor smiled and led them out as they both followed him through the halls until they came to two doors.

There laid was an operation table.

"Now Mrs Skywalker. This is where we do the rest for now on. Dr Liko will show you the way back so you can deal with the paperwork and won't be seeing each other till... Tomorrow. This is you can meet at nine hundred hours.
I'll leave you two alone as I'll get everything the other surgeons and
Dr Liko."

The doctor then left as Darth Vader was left with Padmé, Luke and Leia.

"Everything is going to be okay."
He let out something that sounded like a sigh.
"I know. Its just last time I had an operation as big as this is when I got into this suit in the first place."

He chuckled as Luke woke up with him squinting his eyes looking at Vader as he ruffled his blonde hair.

"I think this little one is a little hungry."
Padmés reply from Luke came in the form of a yawn.

"Or just very sleepy."

"That's also a possibility."

They both let out a small laugh.

They heard the doctors coming.

"Good luck Anakin, I love you."

Ive been busy with work but I'll try to finish this book if it's the last thing I do!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2020 ⏰

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