Obi-wan Is Suffering 13

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The tension was rising as people began walking around frantically and trying to figure out what to do next after finding out that the people left behind will be tortured.

One of them will surely break and then the Rebellion will be over and the Emperor will succeed bringing terror over the galaxy.

What's worse, they may have Padmé Amidala. If they find her then all hell will break lose for she knew about the Skywalker twins and Emperor would love to have them serving him if found out, they may even replace Darth Vader: price of one for two.

The ship went through hyperspace leaving stars behind but despite the wonder it created just by looking at it,
that didn't stop the twins from crying as they cling onto each other crying  out loud for their mother to return to them and cuddle them both in her arms where they were safe and felt incredibly loved.

"Please calm down!... Please... Oh dear..."
With C-3PO looking after them as best as he could with Obi-wan away trying to plan their next move.

If only C-3PO had his memory to know exactly what they were crying about.
Luckily, Artoo did as he let out a low whistle which probably meant on the lines of, "Your not helping. They need their mother."

"I'm trying my best you bucket!" As he hit Artoo making him swear in his droid language as he was making things even worse.

But when the twins saw the droids fighting they immediately began giggling at the funny droids abusing each other in their funny way.

While that was happening, on the other side of the base, Obi-wan,
Mon mothma and others high up in the Alliance.

"Unfortunately, Bail Organa has been discovered by the Empire and now Alderaan is in complete lock down.

What's even worse they not only have Bail but also Padmé Amidala."

One member of the Alliance interrupted Mon Mothma.
"That senator? From Naboo? I thought she was dead, there was even an entire funeral. "

Obi-wan spoke calmly at the ambitious young man.

"No she isn't, at least not yet.
Luckily most of us were just able to get out in time but I don't know how long until the Empire comes here so our best option is to move."

Another person interrupted.
"So we just run away? We're supposed to fight them! Not run away!"

"Yes but we aren't ready to take them on just yet, if we do now then all is for naught and the Emperor has already won.

Besides, they have a super weapon against us."

"What do you mean?"

"There had been sightings of a battle station and is the size of a moon run by the empire. It could destroy planets and we are in no condition to take on the size of that with everything happening right now.

However the battle station is halfway built and cannot fire. Yet.

So right now our plan is to move our base to Hoth until everything has cooled down with the Empire and once we get there we will find a way to destroy the battle station when we finally get the plans. When they break one of our men and learn of our location leading them here, there's no stopping them. Dantooine is no longer safe as a fact. Any questions? "

"How long will it take to move to Hoth?"

"To completely move, 2 months. But we don't have that much time to evacuate so we have to just take our ships, weapons and supplies.
Anything else? No? Good, now
let's move."

Everyone got out of the meeting frantically packing everything important to stop the Empire as Obi-wan stayed with Mon mothma being alone with her.

"I just hope Bail is strong enough to not tell our hiding."

"Unlikely, I have seen the Empire's brutality in the art's of torture."

"Yes... Yes indeed we all have in a way. Obi-wan, about Padmé. How was she separated? "

"She wanted to stay behind to save us and sacrificed her by getting caught,
I don't know if that's foolish or brave.
We both knew we had to face him eventually but not that soon.
I escaped woth the twins got on a ship and that's how I'm here."

That's when the forbidden red lights started to flash.

It's only been two days and yet they had been found!

Mon Mothma looked at me alerted and complete dread with her skin going pale.

"Their here. Obi-wan change of plans, get the twins and get out of here as soon as possible and get to Hoth."

"Don't need to tell me twice."
I began to run as fast as possible to the twins as the people surround me rush with panic getting to their stations. Getting out of the way as people pushed pass I started regretting to put the twins in the hands of the droids on the complete other side of the base.

Everything happened so fast.
The deafing alarm and the sound of blasters could be heard outside.

I could see the twins but then the worst thing could of happened. The walls collided in and blocked getting to the twins.
I could hear the twins crying out in fear but even with the force I couldn't move the ruble out of the way for it could risk collapsing on top of the twins despite the droids trying to protect them.

"Artoo! C-3po! We are being invaded!
I can't get to you, take the twins and find another way out! Get to the ships!"

Artoo whistled loudly as C-3po picked up both twins hesitantly and stutter about the events happening and walked off finding their way.

The building was getting worse as a red blaster shot came out of nowhere as if it didn't want him to get to the twins.

Then the worst thing happened.
He could hear the cries of C-3po and the twins.


Obi-wan tried everything in his power to get to them, but all was for naught.

A troop of clones aimed their blasters at the four with the twins crying their little hearts out.
Obi-wan, hidden from them managed to heard the fate of the twins.

"Out of everything Idid not expect to find two infants in here. ."
"Me too."
"What should we do with them, there wasn't any orders to kill children on this mission?"
"Keep them alive for now, until we receive Lord Vaders orders.
He will deside their fate. Clear? "

"Yes sir!"

Great. I'm sorry Padmé, I failed you...

"Come on! We have to go! We'll come back to them later!"

The man shouted. He was right.

So I dodged blaster fire and deflected them with ease as I got in the
X-star fighter and flown out with tie fighters trying to shoot me down.

So I had an idea.

I decided to head for lightspeed to shake them off.

However when I entered the atmosphere I came in too quick as my calculations were slightly wrong as the ship crashed.

I crawled under the ship which probably could be fixed in no time as I looked aroundy area.

Yavin. That's where.

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